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  • sheila
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    • November 23, 2009, 08:32:58 am
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Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« on: February 27, 2014, 11:15:30 am »
This is a thread for any lesson material for J.L. Haas (2014 edition) Middle School English 2 Lesson 9: Staying Healthy.  Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade. If you can't find what you're looking for here, be sure to check the previous edition of the book.  Best of luck in your lesson planning!
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard!

  • shostager
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    • November 06, 2012, 06:08:10 am
Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2014, 12:46:50 pm »
Here's my lesson for the first part of chapter 9. It includes:

- a review of adverbs of frequency
- a frequency four-corners warm-up
- the new grammar "I ___ # time(s) a ______"
- a health quiz (students ask their partner and write down his/her answers)
- some random (hopefully interesting) facts after each point-tallying slide (ex: ask about flossing, learn a bit about how crazy shark's teeth are)
- a student-created survey

The handout is meant to be printed double-sided and cut in half (to save paper, but not ink, I guess).

  • Kingeudey
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Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2014, 12:14:55 pm »
These may need a little fixing as far as making sure the dialogues apply directly, but they're close.  The Yugioh ppt was taken from a 6th grade elementary chapter using the same concerning frequency.

I taught this book last year and have other files somewhere but for the life of me I cannot find them, so I will be mixing the CD / website and using the fun stuff when I can.

Good luck and blessed are the template makers.
(The Yugioh game also requires you to know what word they need to spell a few times, so make  sure and give the game a once over.)

If I can find my ppts concerning the direct listening and speaking areas, I'll post that, too.

  • shostager
  • Super Waygook

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    • November 06, 2012, 06:08:10 am
Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 03:26:34 pm »
Here's the PPT for the second half of lesson 9, focusing on "What kind of...?" (asking for information).

Contents include:

- Coverage of the two ways to interpret/answer this question (which noun out of this group do you like, vs. what specific type (using adjectives) do you like - i.e. I like comedies vs. I like funny movies)

- Practice answering these kinds of questions. I was planning on either surveying the class as a whole or having one student answer, then pick the next student.

- A survey about likes, mostly, using "kinds of" (I'm planning on using this later, maybe for a game post-exams)

- A "What kind of animal are you?" quick activity on the back of the (double-side printed) survey for those who finish early

- A speed quiz in groups, with general knowledge questions. I tried to throw in some Halloween-themed ones, too, since Halloween is coming up soon and that's about when I'll be teaching this to the main bulk of my 2nd graders.

Note: The PPT for the survey is included for edits, but for the checkboxes to show up, you'll have to save it as a PDF.

Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2014, 02:40:09 pm »
Here's a mish-mash of previous posts that works with low level students (with a little help from the co-teacher).

When we get to the 'What kinds of ____" slide I have the students brainstorm different kinds of whatever the category is. 

This lesson is crammed into one class period, so we really only have time to do the presentation/large group practice and their books.

Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2014, 02:26:15 pm »
For the second part of this chapter, I start by doing page 140 as a  review of the previous lesson, then run through my powerpoint (girls ask, boys answer-then switch) and finish with the connect four game activity. There's only really time for one round of the game though.

Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2014, 02:50:52 pm »

Reference: Adverbs of frequency

I already did adverbs of frequency in the last chapter if you want to look at that one. This time round I used somebody elses introduction and changed it (forget who, apologies). I then did a wheel of fortune, hang man style game. 3 teams, taking it in turns to guess a letter. If a team guesses A, and 3 a's come up, they get three points. After they guess a letter they get a chance to guess the sentence. If they get it right they get 5 bonus points. After asking them a couple of questions relating to the sentence I would spin the wheel for each team. If team 1 has 10 points and it lands on 200 dollars, they get 2000. If it lands on 500, they get 5000. The maths got ahead of me at times but then I am mathematically inept. If it landed on bakrupt or miss a turn I just counted that as them getting nothing that go. A couple of answers are Ulsan specific but I would never get past half way anyway. If you want to make your own puzzles, I have left 2 blank ones at the bottom. You just drag the letters into the correct places. If you want make more slides, dont copy and paste, hold control and click D. Then delete all the letters surrounding it to speed up the slide.


« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 02:53:14 pm by IanTedstone »

  • LeaKorea
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    • August 31, 2014, 04:47:19 pm
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Adverbs of Frequency & Guess Who Game
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2014, 03:26:34 pm »
Attached is a PPT and worksheet for teaching adverbs of frequency. Students filled out their worksheet following along with the PPT.

Also attached is a Guess Who game. Students choose a character and ask questions such as "How often do you go to the movies" trying to find the character. This can be played in pairs, small groups or as an entire class. I had the most success with one student standing in the front of the room and the entire class asking them questions. Students also enjoy naming the characters.

  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
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Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2014, 03:15:38 pm »
Here is a quick and simple review activity for this particular chapter and just in a few sentences.

I'll print them off and chunk them up and have my students in teams put the words back in the correct order.  It will likely be very easy for them, but ya never know. 

The only prep will require printing them off and then cutting them up into 1, 2, or 3 word groups.

I am including another sheet of sentences which I will print of in its entirety and they will have to add a / in the correct spots.

Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2015, 09:38:25 am »
Shostager, my second graders were so interested in your health quiz last year! I also did 'what kind of animal are you' as a supplementary class for my high level students, and they loved it.

My students this year have a much shorter attention span and are not motivated to complete any worksheets whatsoever. However, if I give them a whiteboard and turn it into a game activity, they love it! So, this is the frankenlesson I'm doing this time:

Part 1: How often do you...
The ppt is pretty basic - a few slides of introduction and practice to become familiar with the key expression "How often do you"..., and then right into a game. I put students into teams of 4 and give them a whiteboard and pen. I ask them a question, e.g. "Tell me something you do 10 times a day", and students write down any answer they like. If I think their answer is plausible, and the spelling and grammar are correct, I give a point to that team.

Part 2: What kind of...
As a above, a little introduction and discussion of the key expressions, followed by a quiz game. I will ask a question such as "What kind of animal is the most dangerous to humans?", and give points for correct answers (amount of points is shown on the ppt) and a bonus point for correctly spelling a difficult word. There are a few random health-related questions in there too.

I will probably do the health quiz and 'what kind of animal are you' activity with my high level students only.

Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2015, 03:32:14 pm »
I am attaching a board game, game questions for week 2, and my powerpoint for "How often..." and "What kind of..."
I split this up into 2 weeks.

Week One: I printed off a board game that I made from a board game template site. This goes over "How often do you . . . " I personally love board games because it gets the students talking. However, we had just played a board game a few weeks ago so I think the students were not as excited about this as they were during the first game.

Week Two: We played a "Not So Newlywed" game. I changed this game quite a bit from the original template. Originally, students had to guess what kind of _____ their partner liked. But it got kind of crazy the first time, so I modified it for other classes.
Modified version: I had one student from the class sit in the front. Then, I'd ask the students to guess what kind of _____ the student in the front liked. I used vocabulary from the book, i.e. "What kind of sports do they like?" "What kind of movies do they like?" Then I gave the students 4-5 different options to narrow it down. It worked well enough. You could also give students points for guessing it right if you want to make it more competitive. It got kind of hard to track the students though, so I didn't.

Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2015, 06:03:39 pm »
For Frequency Adverbs:

I adapted this from a post on Dave's ESL Cafe's Ideabook.

I made 200 cards (enough for each student in the class to get five cards). Each card had a frequency adverb or adverbial phrase on it. Before I passed out the cards to the students I explained that they couldn't show the cards to anyone. The game is pretty simple. The objective is for the students to get rid of their five cards. I gave each of the first five students to get rid of all their cards a piece of candy. To get rid of their card, a student has to ask a frequency question to a second student without showing their cards. If the second student answers the question with a word/phrase on one of the first student's cards, the first student can get rid of that card.

For example, if one of the cards the first student has says "once a year" he wants someone to answer their question with the phrase "once a year." An appropriate question to ask could be "How often is your birthday?" If the second student answers the question with "once a year," the first student can get rid of the card. If the second student doesn't answer what is says on the card, the first student doesn't get rid of the card.

It can be hard to explain this to the students, so the best thing to do is to act it out with your co-teacher. Make sure to tell the students that their answers must be true, but they don't have to be exactly what the person asking expects. For example, with the birthday question "sometimes" or "rarely" would be acceptable answers, but not "every day" since that is clearly a lie.

There are two ways to play. When the student gets rid of a card he can either have to give it to the teacher (you) and tell the teacher what question he asked. The other way to play would be for the person answering the question to get the card. I only played the first way so I'm not too certain how the other way would work.

  • jonhil
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Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2016, 01:35:57 pm »
I like stellaristic's boardgame - I was bored and added some colour to it.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 01:50:34 pm by jonhil »

  • daechan16
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Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2016, 11:46:01 am »

this is a link to a really fun hangman game. Students play hangman using the adverbs Never, Usually, Rarely etc. This worked perfectly because I taught the adverbs with the percent method.
Example: Never- 0%
Rarely 10-20% .....

It's great if you have a computer in the room or you can use the questions as a base to create your own hangman game.

  • mcghe7
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    • August 30, 2016, 02:36:35 pm
Re: Lesson 9: Staying Healthy
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2016, 11:24:15 am »
I made this powerpoint while looking at other people's great work.