PART 1 - PERMISSION This is my permissions lesson for part one of unit 3. I made some alterations from an earlier version I posted. I begin with the presentation, then we will play an altered "Go Fish" game that I made where the students ask the questions instead of asking for a particular number. It worked really really well, the kids got into it and were actually using all the target language, it ended up taking about 20+ minutes (well worth the work in my opinion). I never had time for my other two activities, but if you don't want to print out all those Go Fish cards, I have rows and columns (this game is my new favorite, the kids absolutely love love love it!!!), see my lesson plan for instructions. I also have eight ball: students write a funny/crazy "may I" "can I" question in their textbook and we will see what answer the eight ball gives them. I found the game on waygook, unsure where. Hope this helps!