Listen and Speak 1 I have attached the lesson plan and materials for LS1. I will start by explaining the key phrases on the board and ask students for help with silly things, then use the pictures in the PPT to reinforce the material. We will then do battleship and lastly the help me game. I understand the Help Me Game is not directly related to asking for help, but I wanted to provide alternative uses for the "okay no problem" "sorry I can't" phrases, and the kids just love this game. If you only have a few minutes at the end of class, the No Laughing Game goes faster than the Help Me Game and should be used instead.
Lastly, thank you Kingeudey for the pdfs, I have attached a ppt of just the puzzles in a format that will use much less paper when you print them. I printed each set in a different colour and laminated them, so when they were finished with one, I could see which one they needed to do next. I turned it into a race (who could finish all 4 the fastest) and the kids loved it.