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  • sheila
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    • November 23, 2009, 08:32:58 am
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Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:16:32 pm »
This is a thread for any lesson material for Judy Yin (전재교육 2013 edition) Middle School English 2 Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes. Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade.  Best of luck in your lesson planning!
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard!

  • frappps
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2014, 09:14:53 am »

Anyone tried it or is it just pointless spam? Noticed 1/4 of his camuscat's posts are advertising Memrise.

  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2014, 06:23:56 pm »
I found it to be quite helpful.  Thankfully I have the links and can visit them.  I used Memrise for Korean and it was a quick convenient thing to show my kids.  My low level kids actually seemed to enjoy it and it only took about 5 minutes.  Why they deleted the links is beyond me.  CALL in the classroom (computer assisted language learning) comes in many forms, not just games.

Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 02:15:29 pm »
Listen and Speak 1: "How + adjective" questions and "How many / much [noun]" questions.

Again, PPT is really stripped down. Basic (lengthy) explanation to follow:

First, I Introduced the topic and had students read the first question.

On the next slide I did a lot of explaining. First, I asked students what 'how' is in Korean. I then explained that the meaning changes when you pair it with an adjective. When using 'How + adjective' the meaning of 'how' in Korean changes to 얼마나. Once you explain this they should grasp the concept pretty well. I mimed out a bunch of things and elicited the 'how + adjective' -> How tall / short / fat / thin / fast / slow etc.

From there I used the slide with the guy from the movie 'Up,' and told students it was his birthday to elicit a common question that they could ask him (How old are you?). I wrote this up on the board, and explained the sentence structure, then we practiced making questions using the rest of the slides, and completed part one of the worksheet.

For the second part of the lesson (How many / much [noun]) I elicited what the meaning is in Korean (얼마나 많은 [명사]), and reviewed the whole countable vs uncountable thing. The first question (How much do you weigh) doesn't strictly follow the sentence structure but I included it because a lot of my students have asked me this question incorrectly and I wanted to clarify it with them. Feel free to delete it if you think it's confusing for them.

We practiced making questions using the basic structure "How many / much [noun] do you have?" and then when the slide with the books came up, I highlighted that you can change 'have' to any general verb (in this case, read) ->How many books do you read?.

On the slide with the pull-ups, I underlined the verb 'do' in the sentence on the board and explained that you can use other modal verbs like can, will, should etc in that spot. ->How many pull-ups can you do?

We then completed part two of the worksheet, and brainstormed some Q&A, then did the bookwork. Watched some pretty cool footage of hummingbirds too, because they are totally awesome.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation of the lesson. I know everyone teaches their own way, so this whole wall of text is probably completely unnecessary for most of you. I basically just included it because I did a lot of explaining that wasn't included in the PPT and just flicking through the materials I posted may not give the best idea of what was included in the lesson but excluded from the PPT.

Edit: Also, because it's very useful -I stopped the lesson during the listening part when the question about the distance from Seoul to Busan came up. Here I explained that for asking about distance we use "how far" and for time we use "how long" then taught them some basic sentence structures they can use to ask questions about distance and time, then we drilled the sentences and I had then create their own. I was actually surprised there wasn't more of an emphasis on this in the unit, it's pretty important imo.

Happy teaching!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 02:19:20 pm by 올리버-uh »

Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 11:22:19 am »
So I didn't see a lot available for this chapter so I made my own and thought I'd share. At my school I am covering Listen and Speak 1 & 2 in the same lesson. You can manage your time accordingly and divide it up if you so choose. This PowerPoint involves both sections as well as activities for both.

The first part is asking about facts and involves a bingo game you can use a generic blank template for. It takes some time for the kids to fill it in, so feel free to pre-make the bingo cards if you're short on time. There is a fully animated 'how to' on filling in the bingo card, you can surmise what to do from there. Basically the kids have the possible answers to "how" questions on their card and have to ask the right questions to get the bingo.

The second part is correcting facts using "I'm afraid that's not right." The game for this one is far less complicated. Group the kids and have them compete to correct the fact using the key expression. There might be one or two facts that are specific to me so feel free to change those.

I made it on drive so just copy and past the link and go to "File" then "Make a copy" and you'll be able to edit to your heart's content. (Make sure you're logged into you Google account first.)

  • TayRSA
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    • September 01, 2014, 10:48:38 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2014, 11:03:07 am »
This lesson is for Unit 8 L&S1 and L&S2 combined.

As always, my PPT is heavily based on other threads on Waygook, so my thanks and credit go to all.

I start with the PPT, getting students to guess appropriate 'How' questions in relation to the pictures. Interspersed throughout the PPT are slides prompting written work, such as parts of a worksheet handout, and the textbook L&S activities. All of the activities are quite basic and I mostly answered the questions with the class, rather than giving them a lot of individual work time.

Before starting L&S2 I write 'I'm afraid that's not right' on the board and explain to students when to say it. Then I make a bunch of false statements, such as 'The floor is black. You are all girls. I am short.' etc.

During the 'Real'/ 'Fake' game I make a statement, either saying 'I think this is real' or 'I think this is fake'. Students had to decide whether they agreed with me by either shouting out: 'Yes, that's right!' or 'I'm afraid that's not right'. Then I'd reveal the answer on the screen.   

At the end of the lesson I played a game where the class is divided into 2 teams. One student from Team 1 asks a student from Team 2 a questions beginning with 'How...' e.g. 'How tall are you?'. The student from Team 2 had to answer, but can choose to either lie or tell the truth. The student from Team 1 then guesses whether the answer is true or not by either saying, 'Yes, that's right' or 'I'm afraid that's that's not right'. If they guess correctly, their team gets a point. They can get creative with it, e.g. 'How many boyfriends do you have?' 'How big are your feet?' etc.

Another version I've tried is a spin on 2 truths and a lie. Each student thinks of one sentence about themselves. True or false. A student from Team 1 says their sentence. Team 2 has to guess whether it's true or not. True = Yes, that's right. Lie = I'm afraid that's not right. If they guess correctly, their team gets a point.

Generally the lesson has been fun and productive, although some classes do struggle with the concept of the end activity.   


  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2014, 09:25:32 am »
I found this worksheet on another site.  It might be useful in teaching the question forms with how and the countable or non countable subjects that follow.  You'd have to drill the following :
many, much, few, several, a couple, a dozen, and all, along with any applicable numbers.

On the worksheet's questions, they underline the answer, i.e.:
There are five players on a team.
And then you could see if they can ask the right question in sentence form, i.e.:
How many players are on a team?

Hope you can use it.

  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
    • Korea
Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2014, 01:28:46 pm »
Here are two other pdfs (with multiple options for teaching adjectives in each one) of lesson plans.  I hope someone else can use them as well.  They're some simple low tech plans (just requiring a little set up, it looks like).

  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2014, 08:36:39 pm »
My Grade 2 kids are extremely low level, so I don't know how this will roll with them, but at the very least, I think they'll have fun.  It's all stuff from the listen and speak parts one and two and maybe a question or two concerning the communication task sentence structures.  As long as you drill the info from the book / cd on those items, they should rock and have fun.

Either way, blessed are the template makers, and enjoy.

  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 10:38:30 am »
Here's a listen and repeat sequence I will hit my little lovable demons with this morning before I work the CD and then the Yugioh game I previously posted.  Enjoy.

  • greenmind
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    • August 27, 2014, 01:43:52 pm
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2014, 09:07:49 am »
I missed a lot of days because of the holidays so my middle school kids are barely starting this lesson and I have this halloween game based on another post on this website that incorporates a lot of the expressions and vocab from the past two lessons and up to the first listen and speak of this lesson. I only have a few students so each one will read a sentence and if they get a picture of candy I'll give them a small piece of candy and if they get a monster they get points and the student with the most points wins a bigger piece of candy like a bag of gummy worms or a big chocolate bar. I've tried this with my other low level middle school and the kids really liked it.

  • Kingeudey
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    • December 16, 2010, 08:57:02 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2014, 12:00:57 pm »
To work the repetition of the Listen and Speak parts, or at least keys sentences and the structures (How + adjective) for that, I made this Connect 4 this morning for my co-teacher.  She's doing an open class (second one in 3 weeks) and she's positively manic.  She has the Yugioh game I made, but she's kind of bouncing off the walls and just in case, I have this because it's less intrusive for time, et al.

  • philby1985
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2014, 02:06:43 pm »
I  Why they deleted the links is beyond me. 

An aversion to people using sources outside waygook would be my guess. Wouldn't be the first time links to good sources have been deleted.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:08:20 pm by philby1985 »

  • nabi
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2014, 01:42:42 pm »

Anyone tried it or is it just pointless spam? Noticed 1/4 of his camuscat's posts are advertising Memrise.

Yep it's a great resource for the students.  It especially helps them practice on their own time.  They can even use their phones (which they are glued to anyway) to use Memrise.  Too bad the links are gone.  Thank you Camuscat!

Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2015, 09:52:36 am »
I took the running dictation idea for students to find the questions posted around the room and made a worksheet for students to write down those questions and find the answers. It sounds complicated but it is just a different way of using 'running dictation.'
It went over well with my students. I used a premade worksheet and modified it for this activity.

Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2015, 09:18:44 am »
For part 2 of this lesson, I used this video and turned it into a game. Students will follow along and try to guess what country the person is from. I will use it tomorrow so I'm not sure how my students will like it but it seems fun. I think perhaps using strips of paper per group and then they can all guess together.
But either way - here's the video.
I will also post 2 other possible videos of guessing whether the people are Korean, Japanese or Chinese (thanks Korea Junkies!)

  • SimonV
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2016, 09:25:50 am »
Part A - focused on asking ‘how’ sentences. We worked through the textbook, did the worksheet, and ended with the (famous) memory game. First up they just read and answered the questions, then we did a reverse version of the game, where they look at the picture, see the answer to the question, and try to write down the correct questions. Depending on the level of the class, I was more or less lenient when it came to missing articles / spelling etc.

Part B
- focusing on checking / correcting information, we started with a real or fake guessing game (having them guess using the target vocab). The game is a true / false trivia golden bell game, where I gave them a point for the correct answer (‘Yes, that’s right’ or ‘I’m afraid that’s not right), and an extra point if they could write the correct answer if false. My students were already in exam / zombie mode at this point, so I tried to spice up the game with some music guessing clips from the 8-bit music game -

Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2016, 04:26:35 pm »
This game went over really well as great practice for "I'm afraid that's not right." You need a deck of cards for each group of students.

  • Ctass
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    • March 06, 2016, 12:59:37 am
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2016, 11:55:32 am »
1) Attachment: what, who, when, where, how + TO + verb WORKSHEET

2) BEFORE or AFTER "Betting" Game
(NOTE: This works best with a small class, but it can be modified for larger classes.)

~Any kind of online name picker

~Poker chips or foreign coins or whatever you want to use (at least 5 or 10 per student)

~Cards with names of all students in class (One set per group)

~Written on the board or PPT:

PAST TENSE: -ate breakfast  -took a nap  -talked with friends  -went to the PC bang  -helped my mom  -did my homework - etc.

PRESENT TENSE: -wash the dishes  -buy a treat from CU  -eat vegetables  -play basketball  -go to kickboxing class  -take out the trash  -etc.


1) In groups of 5 or 7, students move desks into a "circular" poker table-like arrangement. A set of name cards with the names of all students in class is laid out on each table.

2) Betting! Students place one betting chip per round on any name card. Then, the name picker does its thing and one student's name is picked. Whoever bets on the name that is picked wins all the chips (or splits the winnings if more than one person bets on the same name). If no one bets on the name that is picked, all the chips go into the "jackpot" and are reserved for the next winner(s).

3) The student whose name is picked must make a sentence and say it out loud, choosing from either the PAST or PRESENT lists and choosing to use "before" or "after"

Example Sentences:
PAST: I ate breakfast before I helped my mom.
PRESENT: Please take out the trash after you wash the dishes.

4) The student's name card is removed from each set, so there are fewer betting options after each round.

5) Repeat!

  • josieb93
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Re: Lesson 8: Before Winter Comes
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2018, 10:50:14 am »
This lesson plan is heavily based on all the others found in this thread on waygook. I just tweaked it a little bit to suit my classes.
In my class, the teacher has already been teaching the chapter, so it's really me just giving them extra time to practise it.
Also, it needs to be noted that I only have 8 students in this class.
Lesson 1
warm up game-the kids loved it. Next practise key expression with fun facts. If I would do this lesson again I would cut down the facts part-it was way too long. I did make it into a bit of a game, of they corrected the right answer they got a point.
Activity one: To be honest, because the fact part of the lesson took so long I had to cut this, but ideally I was going to give a sheet to each question and make them walk around and ask each other questions.
Activity two: Guess who-I am surprised they enjoyed this game. I printed out the boards and laminated them and gave each kid a whiteboard marker so they could play a couple of rounds.

Lesson 2
Warm up game-unscramble the words. Went through pp and practised expression.
Activity one: Card game- (I made my own cards by downloading a pdf and laminating it). Took the kids a hot minute to understand the rules but when they did they loved it.
Not gonna lie, I was not interested in anything this week so I made a pretty half-arsed lesson. The card game went for way too long-they really needed a quick worksheet to do beforehand to take some time but all well.