So, this lesson came out hit and miss. My school had a book for me to use, wasn't the traditional story, so that half actually came out alright. The second half was so-so. Ended up spanning three classes instead of 2 classes. So this lesson plan could use a little polishing. All in all, however, it went over very well and easily filled the time.
What's in this lesson:
-2 lesson plans (reading 1st half/ arts+crafts OR play 2nd half)
-general idea. Many variations of this story, so use this as a guide.
-Time Length: 50min+
-Scanned JPG of the Book I used (I suggest using a free one?)
-More printout outs and materials
Word to the wise:
I didn't use everything in the .zip file. And everything didn't go exactly as it was written in the lpan. My suggestion, take a look, and use this as a starting idea for your own class.
I ended up doing a really neat craft with my student and we did a small play, but the play was very rushed. She really enjoyed the craft, but I could have prepared more of the materials BEFORE the craft. Like, breaking the sticks up before hand, instead of at the time of the craft. Hindsight. Overall, was fun, she really enjoyed it (only have one student, so, something else to consider) and she still remembers the lesson vocab! So, wasn't all bad.
Hope you enjoy! If you do something similar, post up your lesson! Perhaps I can use later if I have a new influx of students ;)