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Author Topic: First Day of Class - Games & Introductions  (Read 52082 times)

Offline Brian

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First Day of Class - Games & Introductions
« on: April 23, 2009, 08:26:12 AM »
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Offline sheila

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First Day of Class - Games & Introductions
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2010, 02:06:37 PM »
This activity could be used for the first day of class for the students to get to know their peers.  I thought it would work well.
     The students introduce themselves individually to their classmates and fill in the bingo board with their classmates' names.  Next, students will be picked by the teacher randomly to stand up and say their name.  Then, the students will look for the names of their new classmates as the names are said.  The students cross off that box.  Finally, if they get five in a row, they win.
     If you write while you pick students, this could also be a good activity to write out your seating chart for each class, too.  There is a version for 97-2003 Windows as well.  Enjoy! ;)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 11:05:10 PM by complex303 »
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Offline wikawika

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Introductory activities for grades 5&6
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2010, 12:54:42 PM »
A Bingo game for both 5th and 6th grade:
Different squares have different information such as "rides a bike" or "plays piano" or "has been to Seoul."
Students should go around the room asking other students if they ride a bike, play piano, etc. and get their signature if they do.
Whoever gets to rows completed first, (or three rows, or one row, or blackout) is the winner!

Partner worksheets for 5th and 6th grade respectively:
Students draw their partner and then ask some basic questions about each other.  They should introduce their partner to the class once everyone is finished.

Offline dchrzano

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Re: Fun 1st day game
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 10:21:45 AM »
Simon Says is always a classic.

2 Truths and a Lie
1.   Each person will get a slip of paper. Then everyone must write down three statements about themselves. Two of the statements should be true and one of them should be a lie.
2.   Select a person to go first. That person should read aloud their three statements. Then, conduct voting by having the person read their statements again, asking for a show of hands among the group as to which statement they think is a lie.
3.   Ask the person to reveal the correct answer. The people who guessed correctly should mark a tally on their sheets for a correct guess.
4.   Continue around the room, having each person read his statement and then conducting a vote. Participants should continue marking down each time they make a correct guess.
5.   Ask everyone how many correct guesses they had once everyone has read their statements. The person with the most correct guesses at the end has won the game.

What time is it Mr. Wolf?
This is a traditional kid’s game. You also need a larger space to play it in so kids can run around. First do the Mr Wolf Song, then...

1. Practice with the kids the phrase "What time is it?"
2. Practice the responses "it's 1 o'clock" "2 o'clock" etc. (they should know it from the song by now)
3. Introduce the name of the game. This gives a chance to introduce the cultural point of "Mr ...." (as a formal title)
4. All the kids line up against one wall of the room.
5. One kid is selected as Mr.Wolf who then walks to the middle of the room.
6. The student’s objective is to reach the far wall while Mr.Wolf's objective is to eat the other kids.
7. The kids shout out "What time is it Mr. Wolf?" in a big, huge voice.
8. Mr.Wolf then shouts back the time. The time can be anything from 1 to 12 o'clock.e.g. "It's seven o'clock"
9. The kids then take the corresponding number of steps forward. For example 3 steps for 3 o'clock.
7. Repeat from step 7.
8. When Mr. Wolf decides that the other kids have got near enough the far wall (really his house) then instead of saying "it's ..... o'clock" he says "It's Dinner Time!".
9. All the kids then run back towards the wall they came from. But if Mr Wolf tigs (touches) them before they reach the wall then they become the new Mr Wolf!
10. Play Again!

Both games worked really well for me - the kids loved it and it took up the entire class.
20 minutes each game = 40 minutes

Offline chrispchicken

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Re: Re: Fun 1st day game
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 10:27:25 AM »
On my first lesson with students I always make it about ME. You'd be suprised how interested even the most difficult students can be regardless of their age.

I do a 20 minute powerpoint. Firstly, talking about family. I'll show them a picture and say 'who do you think this is?' and then show them pictures of my dog which they seem to love.

Then I'll show them famous places and foods from my country (the UK), and ask them questions or give then trivia on each one. I always love the response when I show them a picture of Stonehenge (ahhh...Stone-hen-jeee!).

Then I'd do 5 minutes on rules for my class; then finish with a classic game of bingo using the places and foods I taught them earlier on. They seem to like it and it's relatively stress free.

Remember: first class, appear as strict as you can be. In the words of Jon Reesor, it's better to be tough teacher that becomes fun teacher than the fun teacher than has to become tough. In my opinion, 3rd, 4th grade - act the fool and be funny. They love and listen to you whatever. 5th/6th grade and middle school - be tough

Offline inkblot01

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Re: Re: Fun 1st day game
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 10:29:24 AM »
I did this simple survey-type game that connected with my introduction. On the PPT about myself, I had slides such as "My favorite sport is soccer" and after showing them a few, I made the kids fill out three of their favorites on pieces of paper I printed beforehand: 1) My favorite food is ____ 2) My favorite sport is ______ 3) My favorite animal is _______. I asked them to come up with examples for each category and wrote them on the board so they would have more choices to write down. This way, you could gauge how much they know and everyone once in a while ask them how to spell on of the words. My kids are a bit below level but they were able to understand. Then, I collected the papers and read them aloud, having the students guess whose paper they thought I had. All of my classes thus far have been really into this activity!

Offline Lisa_03

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Re: Re: Fun 1st day game
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 01:09:24 PM »
Last year to motivate my students to study English, I had them brainstorm ideas about why they should study English in the first place. They came up with a lot of good answers! This year I'm showing a PPT to outline the reasons that they came up with last year --  so far I think it's been effective because a lot of kids are visual learners. My hope is that if they understand why they're learning English, that they'll be more likely to try hard in class!

Offline jalbrto

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Re: Re: Fun 1st day game
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2011, 02:36:29 PM »
I made a human bingo worksheet, that is simple enough for elementary kids. I plan on showing them what a "Burb" is, so at the end I may have every boy burbing in my class. But, hey it is the first day, so whatever. Should be fun. For human bingo, An explanation is posted. I got from someone else on here. I will not be using the PPT, as the questions are a little hard for elementary kids, that is why I made a new one, that is a little easier. Thanks to the person with the original human bingo.

You are also able to change my questions pretty easy, and it will not mess up any of the formating. 

Also I made a couple worksheets for the first days. I will do orientation for 2 classes. These are my materials.

Offline matthews_world

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Re: Re: Fun 1st day game
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 01:38:54 PM »
I find that students rarely remember anything about introductory PPTs.

We did Simon Sez for a few minutes today,,,made name tents (a few didn't know their English spelling)  and used a sort of bomb game where the questions were about classroom objects, a few commands, and first letter game where you give students a letter and they think of as many words that start with the letter as they can.

Two Truths and a Lie game is good if they have the English for it.

Me Star:  draw a 5-pointed star on the board and the students reproduce this in their notebooks along with writing 5 sentences about themselves.


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First Day/ Introduction/Ice Breaker Lesson Plan
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2011, 07:02:18 PM »
Hi y'all. Here is a PPT that I found on my school computer made by an English teacher that came before me. I didn't want this waygook heirloom lost forever! So, here it is! I used it for the first day of my 5th and 6th grade classes and we had a good time. When I showed it to the class I had some pictures of my vacation and told them a little bit about what I did. Then we moved on to this pass the paper game.

Offline happydays

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Re: First Day/ Introduction/Ice Breaker Lesson Plan
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2011, 07:14:36 PM »
Thank you!!
I love the music hahaha.

Offline yeeexd

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about me worksheet
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2011, 11:36:41 AM »
about me worksheet

Offline hokeypokey

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Grades 5 &6 Introducion
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2011, 03:55:24 PM »
Day one I was given 15 minutes to introduce myself, I showed my ppt and had them answer the questions at the end. On the board I wrote the sentence frames:
Your name is_______ .(it was on the board)
You live in _________.
You have ______ pets.
You like to ________.

Day 2 they completed the handout with the second ppt.
I then had 2-3 volunteers introduce a classmate.
I was able to get a good idea of how high/ low my students abilities were and get to know them.   

Offline juehunter

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Kindy/low beginner intro ppt
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2011, 08:36:15 PM »
Its just a 'How are you?' ppt but they love it and it's a great way to start the class.

Offline phil1982

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Simple introduction jeopardy game
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2011, 08:28:50 AM »
I used this in my first class of elementary when my co-teacher asked me to make a lesson to introduce myself tothe students.

First i made a litle powerpoint showing my family and my house from google maps,
Then we divided the class in groups and played the jeopardy game so that the first group to answer the question got points. After the questions were finished, the teams could get more points by asking me questions.


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Re: First Day/ Introduction/Ice Breaker Lesson Plan
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2011, 12:17:44 PM »
Ah! Here's the same thing but with the intro slides (plus rules and name tag activity) I used and different music. Just in case you don't loooooveee that song.

Offline troy31

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Re: Grade 5 Index
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2011, 02:24:11 PM »
Here is a famous american names ppt.  Use this before you start the book on opening day.  This will help the kids choose an american or english name if they dont have one already. The famous names come with the picture of that particular person.  Have them make name tags after they watch the ppt with their english name on front and korean names on the back.  After this PPT and activity you will be ready to start teaching from the book.  Cheers!!!

Offline rbrouwe

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Re: Grade 4, 5, 6 Introduction Activity
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2011, 02:29:41 PM »
Today is my first day and apparently my school is very low level. I have been told that half of my students cannot  read or write and making a sentence is out of the question. Any idea what icebreaker is best for this situation.

Offline shshin

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Re: Grade 4, 5, 6 Introduction Activity
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2011, 10:08:55 AM »
A good activity is to give each student a blank piece of white paper and have them fold it in three sections where they create a triangle. On one side, ask students to write their Korean name in English, on the second side, have them draw three things they enjoy as a hobby and three words to describe their personality traits. Depending on the level, you can provide them with adjectives to use.

Offline Steph

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Re: First Day/ Introduction/Ice Breaker Lesson Plan
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2011, 10:04:43 AM »
This is a lesson that I use on the first day of class with 5 & 6 graders (intermediate writing and speaking skills).  For this game, it is best if the students don't know you yet, but it can be adapted so that students can get to know more specific details about the teacher.  It is called the True/False Game.

For this game I begin by letting the students ask me questions.  Where are you from?  How old are you?  Do you like pizza? etc.  I write my answers to the questions on the board.  When the students are all questioned out, I tell them to look at the board one more time before I erase it.

I give them a T/F scorecard and I tell them I am going to say 5 sentences about myself.  Some sentences are true and some are false.  The students must guess and write T or F on their scorecard.  When all of their answers have been recorded, we check together.

Finally, the students are asked to write their own 5 sentences.  Each student presents their T/F sentences and classmates guess.

Best final score wins.

Hope some of you find this helpful!