so there are some pretty great songs in here, and you can teach your little uns all sorts of colloquial things about the english language from these songs. How to say hello. What sharing is. all that stuff. It may help for filler at the end of a lesson. Or whatever. Some of them are trite, but some of them are genuinely cute.
toodloodle poodles.
[Mod edit - added song list]
1. Banana
2. Be Nice to Animals
3. Bedtime Lullaby (mouse)
4. Dancin' Fun
5. Family Tree
6. High Five
7. I am So Happy
8. I'm So Happy I Could Dance
9. Kites are Fun
10. Listen
11. Love Every Living Thing
12. Pajama Party Time
13. Pick It Up
14. Pool Party
15. Share
16. Teach You What to Day
17. This is What the Summer Brings
18. Up and Down