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Author Topic: Roman Republic to Empire (high level 2nd grade)  (Read 788 times)

Offline theheretik

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Roman Republic to Empire (high level 2nd grade)
« on: September 24, 2014, 02:07:41 PM »
Looks like my previous thread was deleted, or at least I can't find it. 

Tested the lesson with my 2nd grade and it works well.  First session I got through to the laws slide, second session was the class forming a Republic.

First session notes:  The videos are not simple English, but the author has closed-captioned them in English and the cartoon is fairly clear about what's going on.  If anyone is able to translate the narration into Korean, I would be able to put hard subtitles on it and upload that.

Second session, start by forming the Republic, explaining that this is basically how modern governments are modeled.  Draw the chart on the board from slide 11 but with only one Tribune.  Choose about 1/3 of the class to be Patricians (which I relabeled "nobles") and the other third are Plebeians ("citizens").  Each group chooses a Consul and the Plebes further choose the Tribune.  *Only* the Tribune may talk to both sides, the citizens' Consul must work with the nobles and other Consul.  Let the Consuls choose an activity for all to do, and then ask the Tribune to say yes or no.  If the answer is no, tell the Consuls to choose something else.

After about fifteen minutes of Consul-led activity, pull aside the Consuls, Tribune, and two or three nobles.  Show them a note with a cartoon--"Your family is in jail."  You, the teacher, are Julius Caesar.  Instruct the noble Consul to step down and the others to vote you in as Consul.  You choose the next activity, and the Tribune agrees to it.  Then you show the class the cartoon and explain to them why you got voted in.  Draw a crown on the board above the Consul, showing you have now made an Empire.

My girls' classes really got into this, although some of the "citizens" did drift after the Tribune was chosen.


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