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Author Topic: Three Kingdoms War Game  (Read 10741 times)

Offline kyndo

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2016, 01:49:50 PM »
Didn't Jonni or someone else eventually make a world-war version of Three Kingdoms? I could have sworn I saw it once but can't find it now.
I played IanTedstone's version of the game, and the kids loved it.
However, I also thought that an international version would be amusing, so I stole this idea and made my own template. The three kingdoms are now Korea, Japan, and China.

The map is a little bit more interactive, and a bit cleaner (I prefer a more minimalist style). Rather than stars that change colour, the regions themselves do.

Also, to choose their kingdoms, the kids pick a colour and aren't told which country it represents until after they've chosen. Their responses are always good for a few laughs... surprisingly, the "Japan" team gets really into taking over Korea!  :laugh:

Here's the file, including the question print-out that the teacher reads from (for those teachers too lazy to come up with their own lol).

Directions are in the slide notes!

Enjoy!  :azn:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 03:07:50 PM by kyndo »

Offline Jonni

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #21 on: July 17, 2016, 04:06:40 PM »
Sweet map Kyndo!

Offline moc-moc-a-moc!

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2016, 02:19:49 PM »
Really saved my bacon with this today, thanks.

Offline Baby Aubergine

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2016, 11:58:53 PM »
Didn't Jonni or someone else eventually make a world-war version of Three Kingdoms? I could have sworn I saw it once but can't find it now.
I played IanTedstone's version of the game, and the kids loved it.
However, I also thought that an international version would be amusing, so I stole this idea and made my own template. The three kingdoms are now Korea, Japan, and China.

The map is a little bit more interactive, and a bit cleaner (I prefer a more minimalist style). Rather than stars that change colour, the regions themselves do.

Also, to choose their kingdoms, the kids pick a colour and aren't told which country it represents until after they've chosen. Their responses are always good for a few laughs... surprisingly, the "Japan" team gets really into taking over Korea!  :laugh:

Here's the file, including the question print-out that the teacher reads from (for those teachers too lazy to come up with their own lol).

Directions are in the slide notes!

Enjoy!  :azn:

This is a properly world class effort, I can only dream of PPT formatting this good

Offline vonspacetime

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2016, 11:15:57 AM »
This is a different theme completely, but I used this game a while back and really liked it, so I made a pokemon one using the same mechanic. You need to press the blue dots to clear them to neutral when you first open it. Then it's the same red/blue/yellow thing (if you want to mess around with that I'm sure you can fix it so it has a neutral badge or something). I start the teams on the starters. Also they will call out the korean names for the pokemon, but it is very fun trying to get them all to say jigglypuff.

Offline donovan

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2016, 01:38:13 PM »
My kids loved this game, but I made a few changes after playing it with my first class.

Major changes:
I noticed that certain teams were always too slow despite knowing the right answer and I felt bad that they weren't able to attack as much, so I changed the game around so that they all had a certain amount of time to write their answer and then if they were correct, they would be entered into a die roll, the winner of which would get to attack. (Another way to ameliorate this problem that I considered was to say that the winning team was deactivated for the next round but could reactivate by getting the answer correct. You might want to implement this rule even with the die as dice tend to favor certain numbers, or at least randomly land on the same number more often than the others, making the game less fun for everyone. I also rotated through multiple dice to make this less of an issue.)

I thought the Chinese/Japanese/Korean flags were distracting and discouraged too many kids right off the bat (I played with 6th graders, perhaps a bit more sensitive than the average middle or high schooler), so I changed the flags to symbols from the Korean 3 kingdoms period. The map remains basically the same, however.

This could easily be made into a "bomb game"-style game with a unique scoring system, which I thought about doing, but I kept it as it is because I liked the listening practice, especially right before our listening test. Also it would have been quite a bit more work to create all those slides and animation. :-[

Minor Changes:
I changed blue to green because my class has red, yellow and green desks, no blue.

I added and removed some attack arrows. Most notably, I created a passageway between Hokkaido and Shu because I thought it evened out the game more, especially for the Shilla team which was stuck in the middle. (Ever the plight of Koreaㅠㅠ)

I added an Ulleungdo/Dokdo territory that connects Shilla and Honshu, but I called it Usan, which is the only historical name I could find for it. Without the name Dokdo and being the smallest territory, it didn't cause much of a stir and was usually the last territory to fall. (I added it only after the question, "Where's Dokdo?" was raised after my first class :P)

I added music and images to liven things up a bit. Read the slide to to figure out how to use them. Delete or ignore them if you wish.

My PPt knowledge is far less than Kyndo's, so a lot of my animation appears clumsy in the animation tab, but works fine when running the slideshow. I didn't realize I could make my own polygons until messing around with this game, but once I figured it out I expanded Goguryeo territory among a few other things. I'm not even sure how to change the names of objects from their default names, e.g. Picture 2, Line 6. Anyway, no worries as the game works fine~

Thanks for posting this, Kyndo :smiley:

Game File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxlJ58_FWOZhdnFuZ29uWm9wX0k

Korean Traditional Music Files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxlJ58_FWOZhRFJvUnl3LThlZjg

The attachment function on this site remains down.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 01:39:47 PM by donovan »

Offline dubfrost

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Re: Three Kingdoms War Game
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2017, 03:55:46 PM »
So I made a Star Wars Three Kingdoms game.  Since, there's usually only two sides in the movies, I had to get a little creative to add the third.  So the teams are Rebels, Empire, and Jedi.  Planets from the series are the kingdoms, and they roughly match the maps I could find.

At the end of the game, click the Millennium Falcon in the top left to go to the page for the winner.


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