October 27, 2016, 06:04:27 AM

Author Topic: Global Winter Camp  (Read 1837 times)

Offline jfdemarini

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Global Winter Camp
« on: October 31, 2014, 01:33:20 PM »
Hey all,

So my co-teacher's already asking me to plan for winter camps in January (Happy Halloween, amiright?) and to have most of it done by the end of next week. We're doing a Global Culture camp, where she's teaching ancient histories and I'm teaching modern histories. For example, in Europe, she'll be talking about the Roman Empire up to Medieval times, while I'll be handling anything after that--both of us will cover geography.

Has anyone taught anything like this before? How'd you go about it? What did the students seem to enjoy? I studied Ugandan and South African-style drumming/dancing in uni, so for the Africa unit I might teach them some of that. For Europe, I plan to teach them some of my second and third languages (French and Italian), just for fun.

P.S. My co-teacher said we might have to teach THREE weeks (not two) of camp this year? Is this a nationwide order or just my city? Cause that'd really ruffle my feathers.

Offline jwharrison30

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Re: Global Winter Camp
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2014, 02:55:34 PM »
I bought a toy bow and arrow and had a Robin Hood style competition with them shooting the arrows onto a scoreboard I drew in on the board.

We also made cardboard shields and swords.  That was good, they loved it.

I did a load of disgusting history like about the plague and things like that, gross food, bad fashion, smelly cities etc, they loved that as well lol.

We made castles from paper cups then catapulted balls at them, but that was just crazy, I don't recommend that.

Plus a ton of history themed board games, risk, chess, checkers and so on.


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