Vocabulary & Word Reading:
http://www.esolers.org/ESOL/lowbeginner/classroom/classroomnouns.ppt.This is the link to the PowerPoint
A simple PowerPoint:
I. The teacher advances the slide and says, Whats this?
- Students look at the image and shout out, Thats a ______________.
- Click and show the word. The teacher then reads the word slowly several times perhaps using a finger or pointer to emphasize matching sound with letters.
- Advance to the next slide and repeat.
II. When all words are covered, the slides will show the word first.
Teacher: Who can read this word?
- Pick students and when one gets it correct, click to show the image.
- Advance to the next slide and repeat.
Words: Bookbag, Bookcase, Chair, Table, Notebook, Eraser, Marker
http://www.esolers.org/ESOL/lowbeginner/classroom/readinggame.ppt This is the link to the assessment game.
Basic reading comprehension and vocabulary check.
Made for a touchscreen so students can come to the front to select the correct word or you can use the mouse.