Hi guys, I desperately need advice with my kindy classes.
I teach 2 classes for 6 year olds and then I have an HOUR chunk with 5 year olds. I really don't know what to do with the 5 year olds for that long, even though they gave me a book to work with. There's no co teacher so it's just me. Lately we've been starting every class with a song, ABC song, a name game thing, and sometimes I'll read a story to them. But when I start to pass out the book they cry and start running around or hiding under the table.
And for the 6 year old classes, I also have books, but are there any tips/games/ideas people use to make the classes more fun? Also I'm having a small problem disciplining them. I've been using stickers which is good, but they're always getting out of their seats or just not listening. No co teacher.