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Author Topic: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey  (Read 2048 times)

Offline sheila

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Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:27:29 PM »
This is a thread for any lesson material for YBM (2009-2013) Middle School English 3 Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey.  Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade. If you can't find what you're looking for here, check out the older edition of the book for similar materials. Best of luck in your lesson planning!
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Offline janelle_j

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 11:07:46 AM »
Starting this lesson today.... I thought I'd begin with the textbook and then put students into groups. I'll give them a piece of paper with a place at the top (such as movie theatre, museum, swimming pool, school, library, etc...). In their groups they will make a list of rules that you should/should not do at those places. After 5-10 minutes, I will have each group read the rules using "You should...., but you are not supposed to...." If they have trouble coming up with rules, I will prompt them by asking, "Is it okay if I.... (blow my nose, run, talk loudly, use my cell phone, take pictures, etc...)? I did this activity in my elementary school, but I had those students draw pictures and make their poster fancy. If you're MS students are into drawing, you could try that too.

I'll end by asking them what places they want to travel to in the future. They'll bring in a photo of a place, and next class we'll make travel posters describing things they look forward to doing there.

Offline Nick P

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 09:32:02 AM »
Today is my short notice open class at my rural travel school. My CT has decided that we will work out of the book (which we never use together) and this is the lesson she has chosen. For someone who doesn't use this book, man oh man, what a mess. Anyways, my CT is hyper-literal in her usage of the theme of the lesson and wants a travel thing about turkey. Since her notes and instructions are about as legible and clear as an ink blot test; this is what I'm doing:

Intro about countries: have the students look at pictures of different landmarks and guess the country then the continent. This will end with Turkey.

Turkey: Inform about the country of Turkey. Tell students about basic social ettiquette using "Is it okay to..." "you're not supposed to..."

Pics: More pics about Turkey (she loves the vacay theme)

Worksheet: This is similar to the above poster's group and draw/write rools for different places, just in worksheet mode. A grid of "you're supposed to..." and "you're not supposed to..." and they have to match with the correct environment.

Video: Show video of recent trip I took over vacation and introduce the "I'm looking forward to...." Will then ask the students to say what they are looking forward to.

**have not made worksheet but it's super easy to google/make

I'll attach my PPT that's been frankensteined from some other material on this site as well as my own added stuff. Nothing special but should do well for this unreal limited language.


Offline janelle_j

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 03:42:51 PM »
I actually ended up having them make a postcard instead of a poster. It had to say:

Dear ___________, (whomever they choose)
Hello from __________. (country their picture is from)
I'm looking forward to _____________. (picture)
I wish you were here to _____________ with me. (activity)
___________ (name)

P.S. I got in trouble at the __________. You are not supposed to _____________, but I did it anyway. YOLO! Now I have to pay a fine. Is it okay if I ____________?

Best example from my student was:
Dear mom,
Hello from Italy!
I'm looking forward to seeing the Colosseum.
I wish you were here to ride a gondola with me.

P.S. I got in trouble at the cathedral. You are not supposed to drink the holy water, but I did anyway. YOLO! Now I have to pay a fine. Is it okay if I borrow some money? You are the best mom in the whole world! I love you!

I hung them around the room, and students really enjoyed reading each other's cards. I had the idea to make some travel role plays with crazy props and stuff, but I don't know if I can pull that off with my students. If you have more ideas, please post!

Offline sonya

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2015, 06:52:24 PM »
I just started this's my take on the first page!

The zombie begins a conversation of good zombies (TV and movies) vs bad zombies (Students)

The BAND page I took off the URL for my school.  I've set up rooms for groups of classes.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 07:03:29 PM by sonya »

Offline hall3r

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2015, 05:56:28 PM »
Thanks for that postcard activity, I used it and it went really well! I have decorated the classroom with some really good postcards, it looks international and fun  ;D.

I did a quick quiz before the postcard assignment, so that students could learn some taboos from other countries to use on their card. I've also got a postcard template on the PPT that you can print out.

Many students had never given/received a postcard...  :huh: so I had to explain the format (where the stamp goes, address... man I feel so old!!).

For the first lesson, I prepared an old camp game called "I'm going on a picnic," but modified the language so that students had to ask "Is it okay if I bring X."

After this, I used janelle_j's activity to make rules for different places (places sheets attached). Prompting them with "is it ok if I ...?" questions really helped! I had each group choose a leader, who would bring that paper to a new group and explain the rules. Students could ask more questions and add to the list if they had ideas.

After that, I told the group leaders to go back to their seats but LEAVE their location paper. On the back of the paper, the new group had to write a list of things they look forward to doing in this new place.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 06:02:49 PM by hall3r »

Offline jjl059

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2015, 05:49:54 PM »
My powerpoints/lesson for the key expressions:

"Is it okay if..."
"You are not supposed to..."
"I'm looking forward to..."

I took the idea of flip cup and also the blank 'for the birds' comic from other waygookins!
(flip cup),89226.0.html

The flip cup game went really well. I didn't do king style tho. I made one team come up at a time so I can judge them. And timed them. Then wrote the times up in a dramatic manner. Candy for fastest team. This activity doesn't take too long. 20 minutes is plenty for 4 teams of 6-8 kids. If theres a team with less people, just have them have one person go twice.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 11:12:19 AM by jjl059 »

Offline castowers

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2015, 12:04:49 PM »
Pokemon Bomb Game that I used to review Lesson 6 before their test. Feel free to edit the questions, kudos to Kyle Ludeke for the template.

Offline sianm

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2016, 05:57:28 PM »
These are my lessons for this topic. The powerpoints are extremely self-explanatory. Since we are still using this old book in 2016 I hope this helps someone. Update any pictures of celebrities and delete any pictures of me there please ^^

Offline azalea14

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Re: Lesson 6: A Letter From Turkey
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2017, 01:45:20 PM »
Some ideas for Listen and Speak 1, page 148. PPTs work best with PowerPoint 2016. I recommend double checking the Korean.

Students enjoyed the landmark game in the 3.6.2 PPT. Instead of having the students name the landmark, I had them guess what kind of landmark it was. It was a fun and easy way to practice spelling/vocabulary words.


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