Hi! This is my first time posting in Waygook, so I hope this helps someone. Here is a simple lesson I did for part 1 of this chapter. My 3rd grade class is horrid, so today I decided I was going to do the least amount of talking as possible. I did a quick PPT to go over the key expression "I am fascinated by..." and then showed a compilation of America's/Britain's Got Talent Youtube clips. The kids absolutely loved it! They were completely fascinated hahaa.
After every 2 or 3 performances I would stop the video and ask if they were fascinated, if so, what were they fascinated by. They had to use complete sentences. It worked great.
I'm pretty sure I'll use these clips and others at the beginning of class (before the bell for students that come early) or as a filler at the end of class when we have a few minutes left to spare. My second graders that came in right behind the third graders saw the word contortionist still on the board and were trying to sound it out. I showed them one of the clips with a contortionist act and they were all enthralled as well.
Hope this helps!