I only teach the phrases, not the whole chapter.
For Talk 1 (I wonder) I made a compilation of fail videos. I broke the students into teams. Then I played the beginning of the video, paused it before the fail happened and asked the teams to write on their white board what they think will happen. I offered them suggestions on the white board. (Example: I WONDER IF he will hurt his groin.) I asked each team to say their answer aloud together and then I played the rest of the video. If they guessed right, they got a point.
For Talk 2 (You know what ___ is, don't you?) I described what it means and then basically played an adapted team bomb game. I adapted it by saying the team who was playing needed to choose one team to "challenge". The original team would ask the challenging team "you know what ___ is, don't you" (there's a picture on the slide to give them a hint) and then the challenging team answers by saying "Isn't it ___" or "No, what is it?" If the challenging team says, "No, what is it?" the original team MUST answer their question to get their points. As long as each team is correct they both get points. Any bombs only apply to the ORIGINAL team, not the challenging team.
You need to edit the Talk 2 ppt "Exams" slide. I said "When is it" and it should be "when are they".
EDITED: Lesson deleted when Waygook started charging for material we made without consulting users first.