I have downloaded a lot from this forum and I'd like to offer something of my own.It's not original,but my students(K-6) love it so much that they literally seem to never get bored of it ,and request it several times a month.
Gorilla game
You will need a decent sized space for the game. We play inside our classrom. There are two green lines taped along the width of each end of the classroom which students must stand behind.To begin, we push all the desks from the center to the sides. Then set up chairs on each side to be the respective team's "jails".
The game is very simple. The teacher stands in front of the students who are behind the starting a designated line with flash cards in hand. She/He goes through each card, and exclaims "Gorilla" at a random time. This is the que for the kids to try and run to the other side, and reach safety behind the other line. However, if the teacher or another designated tagger touches a student the must sit down, and can only be freed when one of their respective team members gives them a high five.
In addition this game can be used by to practice interrogative questions by having the teacher turn her/his back to the students while they pose a question repeatedly to the them. They are qued to run to the other side once the teacher turns around and faces them or answers their question with a selected phrase. The kids find it thrilling when the teacher turns around quickly trying to tag them.
I hope someone is open to give this a try. Happy teaching..