Okay so i did a fabulous activity last week so i shall share.
I created a powerpoint of do's and don'ts for living in Canada (though many apply to america as well)
- i spiced it up with videos. Specifically i found a funny riding the subway video and funny bro handshake video
- i often had the kids tell me first what doing something in their country meant before I gave the canadian explanation. EXAMPLE: what does two guys holding hands in korea mean (friendship) well in Canada it means dating (many of them yelled out gay) go there if you want lol
- i then talked a little about why we should or should not do something and gave a little info about each slide
- the kids really enjoyed learning that high school students at public school can dress however , color their hair and have piercings and tattoos
at the end i asked them to help me create a guide to Korea, that went okay they weren't overly thrilled with participating but i got some good ones like teenagers don't drive
- korean's sometimes eat dog
- boys must go into the army