Since there is no link for Review 1, I am placing my review game here.
We played the weird board game in the book first (the ladders and slides caused many students to end up going around the game board in circles:(
Then I modified the place your bets game that Mr C posted in Grade 5. Thanks Mr C!
I used this as an extra review game. We didn't get through all the questions however.
I wasn't sure what to do if students bet all their points and ended up with 0. That would mean they couldn't play anymore, which is not helpful:( So my coteacher came up with the idea that students could 'borrow' 2 points from her, but only 2 times. In the end, it was just a way to keep students in the game. Also points didn't matter so much. I gave a sticker to the students who guessed every question right. I also used a modified version with the 5th grade, for the Can I lesson. The 5th graders really got into it:)
Maybe someone can use this for review!