Definitely! I do a word art lesson that spans two classes, closer to one and a half for some classes, so I have a few videos cued up. The requirements are the students must produce a whole sentence, not just a word, and must put it inside a shape. Okay, I made an exception for "Hail Hydra" because it was witty, but attached are the works produced by one of this year's classes.I've never actually written the lesson down, but here's the short version: Think of a sentence that goes with a shape. I use "I love the sea" and a large wave. Write the sentence on your paper/in your notebook, do not trust your memory on this! Plan how to put the letters in: S is a wave shape so do it large and first, 'the' is a relatively unimportant word so make it smaller than the rest. Put your outside letters in next, using them to break up the space into smaller units. Do not try to go from beginning to end as this usually cramps up the letters at the end. Planning is important here! Cross off each letter as you use it so you don't miss any. Once you've put down a rough draft, call the teacher over and let them check for grammar and proofread for transcription mistakes. Once it's perfect hand the student a blank A4 and tell them to fill the page with it. The following week students are to bring their coloring pens and pencils to complete the work.And I'm a calligrapher, not an artist, so I promise you anyone can do this.A different idea is to use this series and have them draw Disney characters. I show the video once at natural speed and the second time slowed to 75% or 80%. No prep on your part at all, just grab some paper.