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Author Topic: Africa Camp 4-6th grade 160 mins  (Read 1196 times)

Offline builderstea

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Africa Camp 4-6th grade 160 mins
« on: August 05, 2016, 01:06:30 PM »
I can't find the camp index, sorry - if anyone does please post the link there so it's altogether.

3 country schools joined together for 1 English camp for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. 4 teachers took a continent each and I had Africa. Class sizes 8-16, but this stuff would work with bigger classes. 160 minutes.
I split the class roughly into 4 parts, each about 40 minutes long:
1. What does Africa look like? (myth-busting)
2. African animals. Chose 6 and played reading and writing games practising the sentence "The ANIMAL is COLOUR (with COLOUR spots)."
3. Cups (art): Decorated yellow cups with red suns and black animal outlines then played flip cup practising the animal sentences again (speaking).
4. African drumming and wrap-up

Notes on each part:
- Introduction about me, got them to guess where I'm from, my favourite things etc. Did very quickly.
- What does Africa look like? There were 5 papers stuck around the room (slides 23-27) each with 4 pictures on. 2 are from Africa, 2 aren't. Pictures explained in the slide notes. Students had the worksheet attached to go and write 2 numbers for each paper on. In reviewing the answers they got a point for each one they got right. Students typically scored 5/6 out of 10.
- Who is Nelson Mandela? Attempted to explain apartheid by having one gender of students stand up and put their hands on their head, the other gender could relax. Then I showed them the pictures saying (if girls relax, boys hands on heads): "Girls this is your school. Boys you can't go here. Is it good or bad? (next slide) Boys this is your school. Is it good or bad?" Explained this was the situation in South Africa in 1960, Nelson Mandela fought for over 40 years and now people in South Africa can be together because of him. I have previously done this with 3rd and 4th graders in another camp.
- A few Africa facts getting them to guess how many countries in Africa, how many Koreas make 1 Africa...
- Multiple choice Africa quiz. Did this in teams of 2/3 with mini whiteboards. 1 point correct answer, 1 point fastest correct answer.

2. AFRICAN ANIMALS slides 59-72
- Watched a video I'd made from nicking other bits of video (available on YouTube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClZ9uRu9ego) Students had to write down everything they could see in English (without worrying about spelling. Eg "tre" is ok for "tree", but 나무 isn't). 1 point for each word, and 5 points for each magic word - the 6 animals I'd chosen to focus on... which feature pretty heavily in the video.
- Then we reviewed the colours, the word "spots" and how to describe each animal's colours.
- Matching worksheet. This can be used for dice bingo game. Students in groups of about 4. On your turn roll the dice, say the sentence for the animal attached to that number and then tick that number off. First to tick off all the numbers wins.
- Run and Write Binoculars game. I'd previously made binoculars for another camp and numbered them 1-6 and stuck little animals on each one (see picture). Placed these around the room. Students in pairs with 1 worksheet. One stands and runs and looks through binoculars, comes back and tells their friend who writes down the full sentence using the help words at the bottom. Then change roles. First team to finish is the winner.

3. CUPS slides 73-76
- Pointed out African art has yellow, red, and black. Gave each student a yellow cup, red paper, and black paper (A5 each is more than enough). Draw and cut out red shapes (clouds or suns for the background) and two black animals/people/Africa (help on slide 75). This took the students each about 25 minutes. Longer than I expected!
- Then played flip cup each with two cards of animals in their cup (on slide 91). YouTube video of my final class playing for the firs time available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHNHzHL9dSg Always a favourite game. Played about 3 times.

4. DRUMMING slides 79-81
- This school had drums I could use which was great! Practised the rhythms for each animal on slide 80 then showed them the beat I had made up on slide 81, practising part by part. Probably best explained by the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvSIwbetCU4

Wrap-up slides 82-88
O or X questions (students show O or X on their arms)
and then a worksheet for them to write 3 facts they'd learnt that day. eg Penguins live in Africa, there are 54 countries in Africa, Nelson Mandela, blah blah.

Also some useful videos to have on in the break or as background music as they decorate their cups
Drum music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag6y6jz7bQQ
Circle of Life (ofc): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GibiNy4d4gc
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 01:14:33 PM by builderstea »

Offline ZouZou

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Re: Africa Camp 4-6th grade 160 mins
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2017, 03:20:04 PM »
I also taught on Africa for my one camp. I cant find the rest of my materials so I will just add to this thread the PPT that I used.

Offline TygerBeat11

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Re: Africa Camp 4-6th grade 160 mins
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2017, 12:49:51 PM »
This is so awesome...I will use this for these last few weeks of class. Thank you for all your hard work!


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