Nicely done.I made a world music/languages/countries game a while back (it's also posted on waygook) and after using it in class a few times, I realized that Korean kids have very little to no skill in differentiating between various languages because they are simply seldom exposed to other languages. This should help a bit.EDIT: OK - maybe having 2 varieties of Spanish and to top it all off with Catalan was a bit of an overkill - no? I used 2 languages in my template which were not common - Icelandic and Afrikaans, but that's only because I used those countries in my template map (to help students learn Geography all in one go).Why not use some of the more common languages? For example: Hindi, Arabic, Russian? (Most commonly used languages in the world)1. Chinese 1,197,000,000 2. Spanish 414,000,000 3. English 335,000,000 4. Hindi 260,000,000 5. Arabic 237,000,000 6. Portuguese 203,000,000 7. Bengali 193,000,000 8. Russian 167,000,000 9. Japanese 122,000,00010. Javanese 84,300,000Cheers
A quick question for you. Did you play the full version for your students before you started the game or did you go right in with it?Also would you be able to give me instructions or a link to instructions to how you embedded the audio? I want to switch it around and maybe add some stuff.Thanks!