Author Topic: Lesson Plan: use to/didn't use to  (Read 289 times)

Offline noealz

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Lesson Plan: use to/didn't use to
« on: November 18, 2011, 08:05:09 am »
Start off by writing on the board
“What were you like 10 years ago?”

It helps if you write some questions such as:
What did you look like?
What were your hobbies?

Just things to get them thinking.

Give the students about 5 minutes to come up with phrases and vocabulary. As you walk around, take note of what the students are writing and write them on the board.
Now you have a word bank that students came up with and phrases they came up with themselves.
After 5 or so minutes are over, go over the phrases on the board with the students, correct mistakes and explain grammar points.

At this point, show the students a picture of your old self, maybe 10 years ago or whatever. On the board, write 2 things you “used to” and 2 things you “didn’t use to” do or be. Ask the students if they notice any particular phrase or structure.

I used to xxx
I didn’t use to xxx

I group the X used to/didn’t use to phrase along with whatever never phrases the students came up with themselves.

In groups of 4 students have to create a survey of 10 questions using questions like.

Where did you use to…
What did you use to…
Did you use to…

Usually I write the first 3 and let them create their own from there. Students are encouraged to use that structure but also the ones they came up with.

After that, students will go around asking other students different questions and writing in the responses.
If students aren’t motivated, let them know the first person to fill the surveys and questions gets a donut.

Guess who
For the second activity, once students have become familiar with one another. I have them fill out identity cards.

On a card, have each student write their name and:

3 things they used to do
3 things they didn’t use to do
2 things about how they look like now

Pick up the cards, shuffle them, and have them sit with a partner. Have each other question one another and they respond based on the answers on the card.
Their objective is to guess who in the room the are talking about.

Offline acekoom

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Re: Lesson Plan: use to/didn't use to
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2011, 08:38:57 am »
the kids have the worst troubles with these expression good choice

Offline hypnotoad777

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Re: Lesson Plan: use to/didn't use to
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 03:33:59 pm »
Just make sure you remember your 'd's  The expression is 'used to.'  Not 'use to.'