October 14, 2013, 12:00:45 AM

Author Topic: Directions lesson - any advice to make it more challenging greatly appreciated  (Read 1021 times)

Offline Korea Nat

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I am in the 4th week of teaching english at an all girls high school and this week have planned a asking for and giving directions lesson. I thought this would be a good topic to revisit for students as it is practical and also will help increase their confidence when talking in front of the class.

I have attached my ppt and lesson plan.

I did this lesson with two seperate classes today. the first were an advanced class who got it and seemed to enjoy it although found it quite easy. The second are my quietest class of the week, most got it but it fell a bit flat. The co teacher for that lesson said this is too easy for the students and they are getting bored.

I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how I could make this harder?

Hi class
Class rules
intro - have you ever been lost
Basic directions vocabulary
Go over key expressions
Example and concept check Using map get students to direct me to a few different places
Activity 1 - In pairs students take in turns to ask for and give directions
Activity 2 - Still in pairs students sit back to back to give directions
Listening activity - Directions video, when finished I ask students Q's on directions in the video.

Activity 3 (considering moving before listening activity and yet to do this because of time)
Student volunteers. My class has 6 group tables. On each I will put details of a location, bank, post office etc so each table has a different location. The student will be blindfolded and by putting up their hands students will direct them to the right location.

I was thinking of then turning this in to a competition with a student from each group being blindfolded and their classmates trying to guide them to their location the fastest but thought it might turn in to chaos.

I cant use google earth in my lab for some reason so am really stuck as to how else I can make this harder for students.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



Offline Korea Nat

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In case anyone needs it I have reworked my lesson.

Hi and class rules

intro - have you been lost

basic directions elicit and drill

Video - asking for directions. Q&A afterwards (students shown questions before the video)

Asking directions drill

Giving directions drill

Map - I have made the map much more complicated and included sites that the students would know (I am in Daegu but most of these can be used or substituted)

Example. I ask students to direct me. They tend to start off with just go straight, left etc so once they have tried I normally mention street names (although they dont have really in Korea but do in other countries) and places they will see or pass which are good to help people remember the direction.

Activity 1 - Pair work - Students take in turns to give directions using the map on the board. I go around and select people to give me directions during activity.

I then show students a map with a blocked road and explain that sometimes we need to give different directions and elicit new route from the students. This is used later.

Activity 2 - Blindfold race - The class are sat in teams (4-6). Each team has a colour or name. My classroom has 6 big tables so each table is a location (bank etc) and also is one block. I put the street names on the floor and create a map on a slide to help them. One student from the team is blindfolded. I help them move but the rest of the team must direct us to my chosen location and are timed. The fastest team wins. I am doing sticker rewards this semester in class so the winning team get stickers. Oh I normally also block off one route to make a little harder.

Listening assessment - I read out dialogue with directions (remove from board) and ask a question (in the PPT). First team to put hands up and answer correctly win.

Speaking assessment - elicit asking and giving directions vocabulary with students.

Normally there is 5 minutes left dependent on classroom management. If so because I am english I show them a pop video of a young english boyband called 'one direction'. Tenuous link I know but it seems to get their attention and they sing in english. I also explain at the beginning we will watch if we have time and it helps to keep timewasting to a minimum.

Hope someone finds this useful

Offline gsoto

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Thanx for the idea, thinking about doing the lesson in directions next week. Which song did you play by One Direction?

Offline Korea Nat

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It was called 'one thing' but I think any video will do. It wasnt a mind blowing video but I was playing it safe as was a last minute addition and I couldnt vet any others for naughtiness :)

Hope its useful :)

Offline The.it.girl

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Hi, this is a lesson I did on directions last year, That my kids seemed to enjoy!!

Offline tipit1

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Which video did you use for the Q&A part? I couldnt find a video. I tried to find any on youtube, but there arent any that show the way while telling us the way. I hope I said that right.

Offline tipit1

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Nevermind. I found one that works. I actually had to lower the level of this for my students. But it will work great. Get them up and moving instead of laying their heads down. Thanks to both of you.


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