I'm in a similar situation with one of my schools. My high school kids are very very low and only half of my kids will probably graduate. Moreover, some of my students do not know their ABCs so I developed an individualized project where the students create a PPT based on their project. For instance, some of my students love animals wearing hats and jumping off stuff-just pure nonsense. I just make them describe the pictures. Another group is doing a "how-to" on making kimchi. While the higher level students are doing that, I have the lower kids make PPTs on the alphabet and maybe a word for each letter. Then they will present to the class. Typically my kids don't care about anything but they are really motivated since I set up a reward system for project rubric...certain scores get certain rewards. After each day I have them email their PPT project and then develop tasks that they need to get done before the deadline... They usually use Korean websites to navigate the internet and use babylon-Korean to English translator to upload things into their PPT (they usually get translated wrong but are close). I also emphasize enthusiasm and effortÂ…
Hope this helps