I did this lesson with my students this week and it was successful across all levels. I teach at an all boys high school, but it should work for any high school setting, though you can easily make adjustments to it, if necessary.
It starts with a simple activity where you show pictures of celebrities when they were younger and the students have to guess who they are. Just an easy way to get students' attention and get them excited.
In the actual lesson, there are two slides where the students are asked to describe celebrities. I provided possible ways to describe them. In addition to these slides, I highly recommend having the students further brainstorm other words they know of that describe people.
For the activity, I had a student sit in front of the room with his back to the screen. The other students just gave him descriptions of the actors and characters up on the screen. This activity took anywhere between 15-20 minutes. Sometimes, I finished early, but the students were so excited by it, that I just continued and had students bring up characters or actors they knew of.
Hope you guys like it! There are further notes in the PPT itself.