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Author Topic: Lesson on Advertising  (Read 493 times)

Offline ThomasKorea

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Lesson on Advertising
« on: March 07, 2014, 12:18:04 PM »
Ok I have seen many lessons on advertising here (some of which inspired me to do this) but I felt I had to start from scratch to support my lessons.


Any suggestions or just edit to your needs. I have put Korean translation so I can teach this to all levels.

Offline bird212

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Re: Lesson on Advertising
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2014, 01:00:16 PM »
Nice job, wanted a lesson like this for the semester.  What all did you have students do for their presentations? poster? PPT? just talk about it? Act out the advertisement?
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Offline ThomasKorea

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Re: Lesson on Advertising
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 02:08:15 PM »
Embarrassingly its next weeks lesson - I did not mention this - I'm going to get A3 sheets and get them to make a poster. If you have any other suggestions that would be great. I have decided to make prezi's more than PPT's due their great Youtube integration.

Thanks for your input :)

Offline ThomasKorea

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Re: Lesson on Advertising
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2014, 02:11:23 PM »
Oh also I will get them to present to the class in a max 3 minute pitch.

Offline Wintermute

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Re: Lesson on Advertising
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2014, 03:03:46 PM »

Well, here's the jerk of waygook to offer his suggestions.

I'm not the biggest fan of prezis, but too each their own. My big complaint is they are so busy with stuff everywhere and things flying around.

This is very apparent in your prezitation. You show far too many brands and logos at once for the eye to lock on. I'm sure in your class you will be talking about one thing, but your students will be looking who knows where.

You jump from Lesson phase to Practice phase with no transitions, and then jump right back into the lesson phase. Now I'm not saying you can't go teach > practice > teach > practice. But some sort of transition is needed. You have it set up so that your students are practicing taglines, before you even teach taglines.

You teach a myriad of heavy vocab terms, but with no purpose, the students never use them, and you just supply them with the Korean, so why not just give them the Korean only and skip the English portion. I get you want this to be accessible to all students, but I'm guessing those terms are accessible to no one, and since you don't practice the terms, the students have no need to learn them.

Excellent choice of video, and it actually played, so kudos.

Why are you teaching 'wearing' and 'safety' as terms. Those terms have nothing to do with advertisement. You've lost consistency. But then you jump right back into advert terms such as 'demographic'. Already it's jarring and confusing. You do this a few other times, but I think I made my point.

You ask a question and have the answer on screen. Like to point out I did this to, but that was because I was teaching super duper low level.

Your second video made me cry, not cool brah. But no seriously, you might not wanna show that. I'm not sure how old your students are, but they have probably dealt with suicide one way or another. Either with attempts of their own, or lost friends who killed themselves. Plus there's blood so yea.

Then the presentation just kept going and going, got to be way too much. I don't know your class but I am concerned you will lose most of your students, and they will only pop their lil heads up when you get to the next video.

In the end:
It was hard to tell what your topic or focus was, it kept changing. Your main points were hidden, but maybe you intended for that to be in dialogue. I see you are in Pohang, so that means your students are top in the country, regardless, I'm worried this will blow over their head. You go from Logos, to taglines, to terms, to advertisements, to videos, it's all very jarring with no focus.

You assignment seems nice, but if they are as smart as you have shown, then I feel like they can advertise beyond Korea. But you added they can do anything, so kudos.


1. Pick a topic. Since the assignment is about advertisement, I feel like this should be your topic. In which case skip the whole logo, brands, and tagline thing, unless you can make it relate to advertising. I know it seems like they are constantly inter-connected, but they're not. 'I'm Lovin It' on its own, is just I'm lovin it. With logos, talk about the colors used and how the colors relate to advertisement. Logos on their own, are just tiny .pngs.

2. Use only terms related to advertisement. Talk about the various different types of ads.
       a. Informative
       b. Demonstrative
       c. Persuasive
       d. Entertaining
After that have them watch videos and figure out which ad is which type. This will also connect later with the assignment, they have to choose one of the types.

3. Talk about where ads can be seen, instead of just videos. So magazines, newspapers, internet, cell phones. And talk about the ads around the school. This will connect with the assignemnt better as they too will be using only paper for their ads. 

4. Talk about fallacies in ads. Over generalization.  Blatant lies. Photo shopped bodies. Again this can go back to their assignment in how to use these tactics to their benefit. 
This might be a bit over their heads, but again, Pohang students are hella smart.

5. Design. talk about font sizes, colors (here is where logos can be used) buzz words, eye catchers, attention getters, etc. BUY NOW. SALE. etc etc. again, relates directly into their assignment, they can actually use this information.

6. For the assignment, try to make it more relate-able to them, not just 'Korea' because they are Koreans. I mean they are students too. I'm sure they are involved in clubs and activities. And I'm sure there is some kind of school fair or sports day coming up.

Great idea, and I wish you the best of luck. You have a solid start and you can really take this idea places. This is a great and fun lesson to help students, I recommend things of this nature. Keep working at it, and I hope it goes well.

Offline ThomasKorea

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Re: Lesson on Advertising
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2014, 04:54:23 PM »
Really good suggestions Wintermute - Yeah some of the vocab is unnecessary. I like your idea of having them guess what kind of advert is being played - (demostrative - entertaining). Thanks for a really good helpful critical analysis - On Sunday I now have some work to do :)


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