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Author Topic: Asking Permission  (Read 1139 times)

Offline brinaethegiraffe

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Asking Permission
« on: March 10, 2014, 01:17:39 PM »
Pretty chill lesson to get students to practice different ways of asking permission. Did it with one class so far and it's gone over quite well.

YOU WILL NEED PLAYING CARDS. I got four packs of cheap, flimsy ones at Daiso for 2000 won each.

Lesson Plan:

1) As a class brainstorm how to ask permission. (ppt slide with prompt)

2) Handout on asking permission. Explain/questions.

3) List of situations. Have students work in pairs to come up with something to ask in each situation. Then I randomly chose victims to give their answers. (ppt slide with prompt)

4) Introduce Go Fish. This was by far the most challenging part of the lesson. I tried to break it up into small chunks and pause a lot to ask for questions/check comprehension. Most of the powerpoint is devoted to explaining the game.

5) Break class into groups of 5-10 and have them play Go Fish. Make sure they use the target language.


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[Today at 05:30:44 AM]

