Hi everyone,
With mid-terms coming up I thought I'd share a lesson I made today - I haven't tried it out yet, but it's for a group of low-level high school students who need a lot of stimulating before they are interested in a subject.
To start with I'll go over various vocabulary/phraseology/names that comes up in the episode 'Connection Lost S06E16', so that the students have some sort of background knowledge for some of the jokes and stories during the episode.
Then, I hand out the crossword puzzle to reinforce the words and phrases we've just learnt.
Then, we watch the episode and I will ask the questions on the PPT to the class after we've viewed it. The red numbers that pop up on the PPT are student numbers - you can edit these to your student names or whatever's easiest for you. I don't know what their numbers are so this is just a form of random selection.
There's room for some discussion on technology and the interesting way the episode is made with more advanced students, but for me it's just a 50 min filler lesson to keep them awake.
The episode is really easy to download and you can find Korean subtitles almost as easily. Let me know if you need them and I can attach them.
PS- please correct me if I'm wrong with any of the vocab - for example 'Yentl'. I haven't seen the movie but during the episode they talk about it a lot, so I thought it needed to be included. :)