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Author Topic: The Future  (Read 6540 times)


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The Future
« on: October 15, 2009, 06:17:54 PM »
This lesson was my ambitious attempt to try and combine something I'm interested in back in Canada (politics, problems in the future) with an English class.

My idea was probably a little too ambitious, even at a High School with fairly High English levels. But its something I was really interested in trying out.

The basic lesson I did usually went like this:

I introduced the lesson and mentioned to students that today we would be talking about the future.

I then discussed examples of what is the past (say 1959, 1987, 2008), the present (2009), and clarify what I mean by the future. Say, sometime not near, like next year, and sometime not too distant like 2100, but a year that will happen in our lifetimes like 2039.

Then I had a quick brainstorming session asking students what they think the future will be like. How will the future be better? How might it be worse?

After that I launched into my powerpoint and explained some good things I think may happen in the future and what each term means.

Once I finished that section I went on to explain some possible bad things that might happen in the future that are often talked about in the media.

I tried to include a few humorous photos every once in a while  to try to not make the tone completely serious.

After I finished my slideshow (trying to keep it no more than 15-20 minutes long) I gave students my handout. Giving them some a matching sheet and some questions to write about.

The answers ranged from very thoughtful, to quite humorous. My favourite hilarious good thing about the future I received was 'better cosmetic surgery' while the funniest bad thing about the future was 'gay zombies'. Since my students say everything is gay, why not zombies?

While the lesson did not have as much energy as some of my classes I think some students were interested in thinking about these problems. It might be a good lesson to try in an advanced extra class or a class with a fairly high level.

It could probably be adapted a few different ways then the approach I took as well.

Offline zachmokpo

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Re: The Future
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 01:02:55 PM »
Will you post up the lesson and power point?


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Re: The Future
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 11:09:52 AM »
Zach I posted the powerpoint and the worksheet. It should work, just did a practice download and it worked fine.

Offline zachmokpo

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Re: The Future
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2009, 12:37:21 PM »
It must not be showing up when I use Google Chrome. I'll try Firefox.

Offline zachmokpo

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Re: The Future
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 01:09:52 PM »
If anyone uses Google Chrome as their browser, the attachments will not show up. The attachments do show up in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Flock, Opera.

Good lesson, thanks for posting. )

Offline lisadream

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Re: The Future
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2009, 01:09:09 PM »
Hi BZA, thanks for posting this lesson. I wound up modifying it quite a bit for my classes but it was a great jumping off point. I added a few slides to the powerpoint and ended up only really discussing the first 2 questions on the handout with students (I give out stickers for participation, so this discussion topic was great because everyone could use their imagination to come up with an answer). The next week, I continued the lesson by briefly reviewing what we had talked about the week before. Then I divide the class up into groups of 4 and have the groups design a product in the future that will help solve one of the problems we might face (global warming, extinction, asteroids, robot wars, etc). Next week the groups are finishing up the posters they started designing after writing up the product outline and will present their products to the class. So thanks again, got 3 lessons out of this.

I'll attach my version of the powerpoint and the group assignment worksheet.

PS. The Vocabulary Quiz on your handout has two F's instead of going F, G, H, I it goes, F, F, G, H. Also, there is no answer for 'drought' listed on the page. Just FYI for other teachers, I didn't catch these mistakes until the students pointed them out to me. :)


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Re: The Future
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2009, 02:23:33 PM »
Lisa, those are some great modifications, glad you got 3 lessons out of it!  :)

Haha, yeah, my students noticed that mistake too, sorry I forgot to fix that.

Offline lisadream

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Re: The Future
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2009, 05:50:47 PM »
Third lesson I got out of this original thread:

Gave students 15-20 minutes to finish their posters.
Display posters and product design sheets on the board. (I had "2029 Inventors Expo" written all big and fancy at the top of the board). Round of applause for the inventors. Then I hand out the attached sheet. The students have to get up and look at all the posters to answer the questions. Should take about 15 minutes. Before they start, I reviewed the questions. Words like "practical" and "mobile" needed review. Also, it's a good idea to write $1 = 1000w for when they are looking at prices. If I have time at the end I have each group stand when I say their product name and the class gives them a round of applause. Also have them write their comments about their group & the activity on their papers. Will post some pics of the more hilarious inventions I got once I get the chance.

Offline shambles2.0

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Re: The Future
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2009, 11:22:10 AM »
Thanks for posting this, I was just in a panic to fill a class and this worked great!  I got some really funny responses and also some very thoughtful ones, sometimes these kids really impress me!  (and sometimes I just want to kick them all in the shins)  Anyway, thanks again for posting!  :)

Offline jbaile

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Re: The Future
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2011, 02:09:02 PM »

I used the Future theme in my classes. So far it is going great.
The first class I went through The Future PPT and tried to engage them in discussions about good and bad things that may happen in the future. I wrote their ideas on the white board (this seems to encourage them)
Then I handed out the vocab review and discussion questions. It was a bit challenging to keep them focused, but I find it always in with worksheets. Some answers I have received to so far are, I would become a zombie so I could find a vaccine and save everyone, and in the future I will fall in love awww.
The second class I quickly presented the idea of inventors, went through a short ppt, and got them to fill in a proposal with their groups. Then I let them work on their posters and spend the last 10 mins presenting them. There's already been some awesome responses, like black hole energy and flying cars that run on pollution. The kids were really engaged and seemed to really like doing something different and creative. I've only done the inventors class once but it was with one of my more challenging classes and it worked. Here's the ppts and worksheets I've updated. Cheers!

Offline FeurigHeld88

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Re: The Future
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2011, 06:26:51 PM »
To Jbaile: Erm, the last file, the "Odt" file refuses too open. Can you reupload it in Microsoft Word? Other then that, all these are AMAZING and will go over great with my night class I think. Thanks so much!

Offline jbaile

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Re: The Future
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2011, 07:13:32 PM »
Yeah I'll upload it no problem.
Glad you like the lesson!

Offline SpeedoInKorea

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Re: The Future
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2012, 01:43:20 PM »
Ah, thank you for posting - my kids will L.O.V.E. this


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