Credits to Tay's Teaching Toolkit for the design and templates. I'm adding my contributions to Lesson 3.
Lucky Strike
Instructions on how to play are already in the PPT underneath each slide. How I play this game is to divide the class into two teams (red and purple). Each student from the opposing teams who are sitting opposite from each other will stand up and do Rock, Paper, Scissor. Every student should get a chance to play. I divided the class into two halves, had them sit in two-three columns (depending on the size of your class) per team, and they did RPS.
Ideally, I played this at the start of Lesson 3 to review Lesson 1 and 2, as the first two pages of L3 are short and don't offer a lot of vocab words yet.
Pokemon Shuffle
Instructions on how to play are already in the PPT. Pretty self-explanatory. How I play this game is to divide the class into however many teams. I give each team a whiteboard, marker, and board eraser. Each team write down their choice after the Pokemon hide itself in the Pokeball, shuffled, and stopped. Press the space bar to reveal the hidden Pokemon after each student finished writing down their choice. I emphasize as a rule that the students must keep their boards up until we move to the next round. This is to prevent students from erasing their answer early or putting down their boards because you would still be checking their choice and assigning points. Penalty for not following the rule is 0 point awarded, regardless of choice.
Ideally, this works great at any stage of Lesson 3 as it covers all the core vocab words, sentences, and phrases, as well as Lesson 1 and 2 words+sentences.