Intro video to practice key vocabulary and expressions
Students are asked to
1. Listen and Repeat
2. Say it in Korean
3. Say it in English Expressions:
01. do taekwondo (태권도를 하다)
02. go to a concert (콘서트를 보러 가다)
03. plant flowers (꽃을 심다)
04. watch a baseball game (야구 경기를 보다)
05. feed the dogs (개들에게 먹이를 주다)
06. go on a trip (여행을 가다)
07. What are you going to do this summer? (이번 여름에 무엇을 할 거니?)
08. I'm going to go on a trip. (여행을 갈 거야.)
09. That's a good plan. (좋은 계획이야.)