Here are two activities I will be using:
1. Unscramble the Sentences (Lessons 1-6)
2. Months/Dates Elimination Game - this is similar to the pirates game that I read somewhere on Waygook, but a simpler version of it. I've attached a ppt to explain how to play it.
In general, Ss draw 50 stars, 20 smiley faces, and 5 circles on their paper anywhere they want.
Stars = 1 pt, smiley faces = 3 pts, and circles are bombs.
Circles (bombs) have two functions: A. If the player calls out a space and another student has a circle in that space, then the player loses one point (or one star).
B. Player can play their bomb by calling out the space it occupies and everyone, but the player, loses a point.
TO PLAY: Ss will say the month and then a date. Wherever the month and date meets, Ss will put a X on that square. The goal is to make everyone lose as many pts as possible. The winner is
the one with the most points.
(UPDATE--You really need a co-teacher or homeroom teacher in the room to assist with translating or else the students are lost. Once they get the gist and you actually do start playing, the ones
who didn't understand will start to understand and so will everyone else in general.)