I tried this well-known activity for this lesson and it went great! I modified it a bit to make it more of a game. I suggest you make an example so the kids know exactly what you need. If they write their name on the back left-hand corner in small letters you can easily cover their name while showing the other team the picture. Some kids will forget their own drawing so you need to have them write their name and be able to read it.
-Class will be divided into two teams.
-You have three minutes to draw one item from this lesson on your card.
-Write your name on the back and keep it hidden from the other team.
-Write the item you drew on your paper.
-When you're finished drawing fold your paper in half.
-Once everyone is finished all the drawings will go into two mystery bags one for each team.
-I will pull out drawings one-by-one and the other teams have three chances to guess correctly who drew it.
-If they guess correct on the first try they get 3 points, on the second try 2 points, and on the third try 1 point.
Teacher asks, "Whose _________ is this?" Students answer, "It's __________'s _________."
Korean Directions:
전체가 두팀으로 나눕니다.
오늘 수업에서 배운 물건중 하나를 3분내로 그립니다.
뒷편에는 이름을 적고, 상대팀이 모르도록 합니다.
너가 그린 물건의 이름도 영어로 적습니다.
완성한 그림의 종이는 반으로 접습니다.
모두 그리기를 마쳤으면, 각 팀의 주머니에 팀원이 그린 그림을 넣습니다.
선생님이 한장씩 꺼내어 누가 그린 그림인지를 3번의 기회를 주고 다른팀에게 묻습니다.
만일 첫번 기회에 맞추면 3점, 두번째 맞추면 2점, 세번째 기회에 맟추면 1점이 주어집니다.