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Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« on: May 15, 2019, 10:56:23 pm »
Do you know any unreported news we should be more aware of, or any news being largely ignored/ downplayed by the MSM?

I'll start:

May 6th
Two days of violence  saw nearly 700 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel, claiming the lives of four Israelis

Who knew? it was barely covered in the main western media.
Catch my drift?

  • SanderB
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Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2019, 06:26:43 am »
Nobody cares about Palestine nor Africa(ns) as long as they stay away from the Hungarian border. Stop propagating Hitler nazi ideas about the press.
Fiat voluntas tua- What you want is allowed

  • Datasapien
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Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2019, 07:34:54 am »
For others who may also have been confused, MSM = mainstream media.

I guess the internment of millions of Uighur muslims in China? Vox had an interesting video about it not long ago

Or the complete lack of reporting on the formation and growth of Nigel Farage's 'The Brexit Party'  on most (all?) news outlets in the UK. Not a fan of the guy (or Brexit) at all, but seems strange that the BBC at least hasn't said a word about it.
I never finish anyth

Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2019, 09:33:23 am »
Nobody cares about Palestine nor Africa(ns) as long as they stay away from the Hungarian border. Stop propagating Hitler nazi ideas about the press.

Saying a story is being overlooked by the press, and then pointing out a significant story being overlooked by the press, is NOT a Hitler nazi idea about the press.

Someone could post a story about some environmental issue, or ethnic minorities in some country facing persecution that is being overlooked.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 12:04:26 pm by Mr.DeMartino »

Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2019, 11:44:32 am »
Before I answer, I think it's important to state my position regarding the media. I don't think there's any real conspiracy theory going on, there's no ideological battle. Media groups don't hate black folks, Muslims, Chinese are whatever, their agenda is what it always has been... MONEY!
News material is a product and they'll report or embellish the product in a way to get maximum ratings, if that means only focusing on the terrorism and violence when reporting news relating to Muslims, that's what they'll do. The effects of their irresponsible bias and greed polarizes society, but they don't care. The money keeps rolling and that's all that matters.

Here's my theory:
America's news audience is mostly white and like any other racial or ethnic group (Koreans, Brits, Black Americans, Arabs etc.) there exists a conscious or subconscious desire to "see your team win" or "see the other team lose", it gives the viewer a sense of comfort and boosts their ego and reaffirms their views, you'll notice the news never does a u-turn on on their point of view, it's generally the same narrative. All this leads to better ratings and more money. The media seems to go out of their way to make people racist and xenophobic because it makes them rich. 

- Palestine, Apartheid on steroids and very little being reported.

- Uighur Muslims in concentration camps... literal concentration camps. The CCP breaking up Muslim families, putting the
  husbands in camps, forcing Muslim women to marry Han Chinese men to up the birthrate and literally having government
  minders live in the homes of Muslim families to spy on them.

- And for the most shocking, the Western media never reports on the fact that Dokdo is Korea's.

  • Mister Tim
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Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2019, 11:54:33 am »
- And for the most shocking, the Western media never reports on the fact that Dokdo is Korea's.

Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2019, 03:04:12 pm »
I know lots of stuff being either ignored by - or openly lied about - by the MSM, but I'll be damned if I'm going to open that can of worms here...
  Given the general level of discourse I've observed numerous times on this site, and the devolution of quite interesting and deserving topics/issues into fractious drivel, I think I'll pass for now...Which is a shame, because there are some issues being ignored that should receive significantly more exposure.

  • gideonvasquez
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Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 03:44:11 pm »
Mine would be the World Bank reporting that 1 in 7 people in the world have no official form of identification. Meaning no birth certificates, ID's, driver's licenses, or passports. Apparently most of these people are concentrated in a few populous and developing nations. It was fascinating to learn about the difficulties having no identification makes. It makes it easier for state-actors to claim someone is not their citizen. And makes it more difficult for people to claim benefits. It could also be more difficult for states to target aid and initiatives.

There was a recent competition by the World Bank's ID initiative to choose the best method to efficiently register people in a national database. I only heard about it on a financial site I read following biotech firms. The winner was a firm that works on designing easily deployed finger-print scanners for use in identification. There was also an NPR (are they mainstream?)  article and podcast about instances where ID has been used inappropriately, Rwandan ID's leading into the genocide said what ethnic group you were from so if you were a Tutsi on the paper, you died.

It's a pretty interesting story that isn't news in the fact that the issue has been around quite some time. It was just news to me, I guess.

Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2019, 04:00:11 pm »
Here's my theory:
America's news audience is mostly white and like any other racial or ethnic group (Koreans, Brits, Black Americans, Arabs etc.) there exists a conscious or subconscious desire to "see your team win" or "see the other team lose", it gives the viewer a sense of comfort and boosts their ego and reaffirms their views, you'll notice the news never does a u-turn on on their point of view, it's generally the same narrative. All this leads to better ratings and more money. The media seems to go out of their way to make people racist and xenophobic because it makes them rich. 

I think you've got that the wrong way round. White cop kills unarmed black guy = massive story, Black cop kills unarmed white guy doesn't make the news.  People in the US don't care about Muslims in China because they probably couldn't point to it on a map.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2019, 04:52:02 pm by eggieguffer »

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Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2019, 07:31:04 am »
Hitler was gay.
Mr. C is not a bad person, in fact is quite a good person here. One of the best people on this forum if you really look at it

  • Colburnnn
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Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2019, 07:32:43 am »
Slightly off topic, but it was pretty alarming to see the outrageous coverage of that guy smiling in a Trump hat a while ago, but pretty much nothing about the recent school shooting in Colorado involving the trans girl. I'm not taking a side at all here. However this is a prime example of MSM not giving a damn about something that doesn't align with their world view.

In recent years the obvious bias that, both left and right, channels show has been shockingly bad. Almost to the point where MSM has become a parody.
Haven't you got some pictures of birds to be jacking off to, son?

Colburnnn: Complains a lot, very sassy. Has a loudmouth.

Re: Post some news being ignored by the MSM
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2019, 07:54:02 am »
Here's my theory:
America's news audience is mostly white and like any other racial or ethnic group (Koreans, Brits, Black Americans, Arabs etc.) there exists a conscious or subconscious desire to "see your team win" or "see the other team lose", it gives the viewer a sense of comfort and boosts their ego and reaffirms their views, you'll notice the news never does a u-turn on on their point of view, it's generally the same narrative. All this leads to better ratings and more money. The media seems to go out of their way to make people racist and xenophobic because it makes them rich. 

I think you've got that the wrong way round. White cop kills unarmed black guy = massive story, Black cop kills unarmed white guy doesn't make the news.  People in the US don't care about Muslims in China because they probably couldn't point to it on a map.

Agreed, but I'd say we're both right. The media doesn't seem to be being impartial by reporting both sides, they're taking advantage of playing both sides against one another and thus, creating and stoking a stratified society. They'll bring up the up the racist white cop narrative in the morning and the young black criminal narrative in the afternoon.

Yes, as said, they wouldn't report on what's happening in China because most viewers are clueless to it/it won't be good for ratings.