I have a sentence lotto game and a set of spy game cards.The lotto game was revised from Golden's word lotto activity posted elsewhere (it won't let me link, lol). My students need tons of repetition for sentence structures, so that's the focus here. I added animated directions for the game because I have a tough time getting my kids to understand English directions.I'm gonna be honest that I think they'll find the writing requirement for the sentence lotto tedious but I'm hoping the competitive aspect will motivate them because it's good practice.The structure of this lesson works well for the spy game and I find my particular classes participate more if I design group activities with little individual spotlighting, so I'm hoping it'll be a nice lesson.Just wanted to edit to add that I piloted this lesson today and it was a hit. Hope some of you find it helpful too
In the "word lotto" part, I would advise against having the sentence "Would you like to eat 라면 at my house?"In Korea, asking someone if they want to eat ramen at your house is a euphamism for sleeping together.