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  • Cyanea
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    • September 04, 2016, 01:48:24 pm
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Now that you are teaching, and realize how difficult it can be to have to control and be responsible for dozens of schoolkids, has it made you reflect on your own behavior when you were the same age?

In particular, do you feel remorse at the hard time you used to give your own teachers?
Catch my drift?

  • JVPrice
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    • August 29, 2017, 10:26:13 am
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2020, 02:33:35 am »
Probably the worst thing I ever did as a student was swap names with a friend when we had a substitute. Everyone jokingly went along with it, but the problem came when he left for the restroom, and a pass came from the front office calling him (AKA me) to go there. I took the pass and just stood there awkwardly as everyone stared at me like "What're you gonna do?" Fortunately my friend came back from the restroom just in time for me to try and stealthily hand off the pass to him, saying "You need to go to the office!" The substitute saw what was happening and told him "You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you." Some classmates laughed, and I tried to explain it to her. "You've got it all wrong! I'm (my name) and HE'S (his name)!" At that point she told us "Oh no, I'm not falling for that one!" Classroom erupts into hysterical laughter.

So yeah, that's honestly the worst thing I've done and I would hardly consider having remorse given that it really wasn't that bad. That sub came back a few times, and she didn't trust us since!

Also, it might be hard to answer this thread honestly, since a lot of things we do as kids might not be seen as bad in our own eyes at the time, and we'd probably forget about them.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 02:35:32 am by JVPrice »
The World Ends With You

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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2020, 07:42:17 am »
yes. I was a terror to  an English teacher in French class. eventually she just ignored us and went on with class, which is really all you can do. but man, we frustrated that woman. I wouldn't be surprised if she went back home and or quit teaching

  • stoat
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2020, 08:17:18 am »
Actually teaching has made me reflect more on my teachers' behaviour. I went to a school where discipline wasn't a real problem but a lot of the teachers were definitely slackers. Turning up late, forgetting to correct and hand back homework, getting students to silently copy out of the text book etc.

  • alexisalex
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2020, 10:32:30 am »
It has definitely made me appreciate what my teachers did, now that I'm a teacher myself.  I understand that class material doesn't just appear out of nowhere, you actually have to make it and plan for yourself.  I used to think that teachers got lesson plans given to them with all the material pre-made.

I do remember one time asking my psychology teacher for some extra reading material because I was really interested in what we had been studying.  Looking back she must have thought "God, just leave me alone, I don't need any extra work"  :laugh:

Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2020, 07:42:56 pm »
I didn't misbehave too much cause getting a phone call home to my mom would've scared the hell out of me. I do however respect a teacher's job so much more since becoming one. There are days I come home tired and I'm just a NET in Korea. Back home I'd have to submit lesson plans early, probably teach more than 4 classes a day, manage a class by myself, etc...

Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2020, 09:51:17 am »
Telling my life story here lol, but TLDR: I've always respected teachers, but after becoming one myself the respect just grew.

Growing up in an immigrant household, my parents valued education. As the oldest child, a lot of pressure was put on me to do well in everything as well.

I always had high respect toward teachers, even the "lazy" ones. Honestly in high school, I've noticed that when you show interest in what they're attempting to teach, they put more effort and interest in teaching.

I majored in Biology with the goal of going to Medical school (we know how well that went lol). Afterwards, I got a job as a preschool teacher. My appreciation for teachers grew ten fold starting then Lol.

  • plan b
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2020, 08:52:21 am »
No remorse here....if we did act up, there were consequences...dete ntion, homework, loss of extracurricular activities., and suspensions. Sometimes the whole class was punished because of one student.

Nowadays schools are as soft as toilet paper. The students know there are no consequences and take full advantage of that. Korean teachers also have a tendency to "baby" students as well.

  • oglop
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2020, 10:28:27 am »
i was generally pretty good as a student, but i look back and feel really bad when (as a class) we made the teacher cry or were just generally being dicks

Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2020, 06:50:10 pm »
I was a good, well-behaved student, never gave any teacher any grief (even if they sometimes deserved it).

Looking back, though, I can definitely see why some of the teachers were the way they were, and I have a little more empathy for them.

It also makes me think back on some teachers who were legitimately good teachers (as in they knew how to teach their subjects very well) but couldn't command any respect in a lot of their classes no matter how hard they tried, and I never really understood why this was until finally experiencing firsthand just how quickly classroom management can go wrong if you don't get it right at the very beginning.

  • hangook77
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2020, 10:35:01 am »
Nah makes me understand them and know the behavior better.  Kids think I'm "cool teacher" instead of "uptight and old fashioned" teacher.
Happy Teachers Day to New Orleans.

  • Liechtenstein
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    • February 15, 2019, 04:39:00 pm
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2020, 03:02:36 pm »
I was a good kid and to the best of my memory so were all of my classmates throughout school. I honestly can't remember any kids who misbehaved.

Granted, it was the 60's and 70's and they were very different times than those we experience today with regards to general behaviour patterns.

And yes, I know I'm old.

Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2020, 11:52:27 am »
No because I was an angel in school

I’m actually kinda salty that I was so polite and obedient to teachers, but so many of my kids aren’t

  • buckybee
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Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2020, 12:14:54 pm »
No because I was an angel in school

I’m actually kinda salty that I was so polite and obedient to teachers, but so many of my kids aren’t

I feel exactly the same! Now when students act up too much, I wish for them to grow up and be teachers just so I can get some future revenge!

Re: Do you feel remorse for the way you used to misbehave as a student?
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2020, 12:23:07 pm »
I really was a piece of shit at times, particularly between 13-15. Most of the trouble I got into was outside the classroom, inside, I was a pretty good student and rarely disrespected my teachers. At my HS, there were plenty of wannabe gangsters and a few real ones. I'd often get into fights trying to stop them from stealing my things (rumor got around that I was from a family of means as I'd transferred from a private school) or backing up my friends from these thugs. I bunked (was truant) quite often as my buddies and I were really into surfing and ditched whenever the waves were good. I smoked too and the staff made it a kind of sport to catch kids who were smoking and give them detention.

Still, I got my act together during my later HS years.

I always appreciated every one of my teachers, particularly my English teacher. Having experienced teaching, I can tell me teachers probably looked at some of us and thought:

- "I can see you cheating, but I couldn't give a crap at this point."
- "Just STFU. Pretend to listen if you have to. We're all tired, don't make this lesson more stressful than it needs to be."
- "I can see you've got the hots for Jenny and teasing her is the only way you know how to show affection."
- "You're really not as cool as you think and I know you're swearing/listening to music through earphones hidden in your sleeves etc. , I'm just too exhausted to give a crap."