So I found this camp by someone on Waygook, and honestly I cannot remember who, whoever you are, you deserve the biggest medal ever. This camp was awesome, I edited it to fit my class, and changed one or two activities though.
I'll have to post it in a few replies in this thread, only because waygook only allows for 50000KB at a time :/ some of my PPTs are over 100KB.
Also please please please install the font packs to view this properly. I tried to save most the font as pictures to avoid too much warping, but i missed some here and there. (that said, to edit you will have to delete font pictures and open your own new text boxes. Sorry).
So Yes, Harry Potter, again. except not quite, It's called Magic camp, based on Hogwarts, but largely doesn't need to have the movie shown at all.
Also I sorted my kids into Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (American school), because my Kids are already in Hogwarts houses, and I did not want to confuse them if they ended up in two Hogwarts houses. I had a fairly small group in the end, so in hindsight it didn't matter. However for bigger groups, dividing them into teams is always a good idea.
Its was a 5 day camp and sadly our Rock candy failed, too humid i guess and maybe not enough sugar (which honestly I find hard to believe)
Anyway I'm too lazy to type out all the details of what we did, so i'll just post the materials here for you to grab and use.
again, check the replies for the rest.