Hello everyone. I've been kicking around someideas for online lessons since we are required to start teaching that way. If you have any ideas to add to this please respond to this thread. I will add to this as I come across more ideas. Heres what I have so far.
Apps and websites useful for uploading assignments
Google Formshttps://docs.google.com/formsStudents access my lesson through a google form link. With Google Forms, I can create pages with links and videos which provide sections with question and answers for the students. I begin each form with "Type your name". I include a link to a video I create of myself introducing the lesson at the top of the form. You must put the link in the title description for it to be clickable. You can use a youtube or google drive link as long as the link is open to the public.
The nice thing about google forms is that it gives you an immediate response. This way you can easily see who is actually completing the lesson online and you can view their answers right away.
Microsoft Forms suggested by alexisalex
https://forms.office.com/This works very similar to google forms. If google forms isn't your jam. Try this out.
Here is an example from alexisalex
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAYAAIXrqhNUNVVXWFBBQTZVMU9LMEtIMkhOWEI2Q0kyWS4uPowerPoint****Just an edit here. I have found that I can record PPTs in the PPT program on your computer if you have a mic and camera. I've been doing it on my personal laptop, seems to work better. You can also export your powerpoints to video from PowerPoint. You may need to subscribe to Microsoft. (Or you can make 30-day trial accounts over and over. Just don't forget to unsubscribe.)
TIP: If there are videos on your PPT compress them to 720, and export them to 720. Exports much faster and that is really all the quality you need for this.
I am recording powerpoints on my phone. You can create a PowerPoint on your computer and upload it to your phone if that is easier for you. Once it is uploaded to my phone I use a screen recorder to record my PowerPoint lesson.
Screen RecorderAZ Screen Recorder for android. There are many free screen recording apps for phones you just have to find them. You can use it to screen record a PowerPoint show, while you are speaking through the lesson.
OBS screen recorder works on android, windows and mac computers.
www.obsproject.comFilm Maker AppI have a video editing software on my computer I use, for those who don't have that, this is another option.
Film Maker is a free to use app you can download to your phone. After recording your PowerPoint lesson, this is how you can edit your video. You can record yourself introducing a lesson first, and then edit in with the screen recording of the PowerPoint. You can also, make your own video(with just you or you and your friends) roleplaying the key expressions to put into the video.
Online Interactive Activities
I am still researching some easy to access online activities. Here are some possible resources you could maybe use. It depends on how your school approaches the online learning really. I'll add to this as I find more.
https://www.proprofs.com/games/ElementaryProprofs You can create puzzle games for students to access, with a link from the google form.
Sugarcane is a bit more sophisticated looking than the proprofs, yet is also simple to use. Explore some of the features by playing games already on the site before attempting to create your own. Step-by-step directions make it easy to add and personalize your content and design visually attractive games that even include images. Use one data set to create up to 18 different game formats. DEAD SITE
https://www.baamboozle.com/Mid-High - requires zoom or live chat platformBamboozle is a little different than the other game tools because it offers interactive game play between teams. Baamboozle keeps track of scores throughout the game. Follow directions to add questions, answers, and point values for items. This site is perfect to use as an introduction to any unit to assess prior comprehension of knowledge, or at the end of your unit for a whole-class or small group review activity. Not sure yet, how I could incorporate this to online, I will fiddle with it more on my own.
https://kahoot.itMid-High - requires zoom or live chat platformKahoot is another good option like bamboozle.
https://answerables.com/#get-startedMid-High SchoolAnswerables is for the more tech-savvy teachers to use in creating a game-based virtual world for students. Answerables also includes an online learning management system to create events and assignments as well as provide feedback. It also offers opportunities for independent learning activities as well as collaboration between students.
https://matchthememory.com/ Elementary - Middle SchoolInteractive Memory Card GameWith this website you can create your own memory card game. Just upload pictures to match a word or key phrase. This could be an extended activity to add to the end of a google form. Thanks petoby for the idea! petobys example -
https://matchthememory.com/dontruncheonjae/ https://www.educandy.com/wp-login.phpElementary-Middle SchoolInteractive word games and puzzlesThis website is awesome and sometimes can be a life saver if you are short on time. I have found if you search for your lesson title, it's likely someone has already created word game activities with your lesson, somewhere.