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  • Kyndo
  • Moderator LVL 1

    • I am a geek!!

    • March 02, 2027, 11:00:00 pm
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Re: What is your contribution to your school's online classes? Let's vote!
« Reply #140 on: April 24, 2020, 03:38:30 pm »
Didn't any teachers raise concern about student's Data Privacy if they use Flipgrid? Or aren't parents worried about their children posting online?
That's the first thing that came to my mind when I thought about implementing it.
The videos posted to flipgrid are only visible to those who have the link to the specific room you create. I make a video, and send the kiddos a link to it, which they then use to post their own vids. It's basically private.

  • kawrou
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    • March 14, 2017, 04:03:51 am
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Re: What is your contribution to your school's online classes? Let's vote!
« Reply #141 on: April 27, 2020, 07:40:20 am »
The videos posted to flipgrid are only visible to those who have the link to the specific room you create. I make a video, and send the kiddos a link to it, which they then use to post their own vids. It's basically private.

Thanks for the reply.
So students can see each others video?

  • Kyndo
  • Moderator LVL 1

    • I am a geek!!

    • March 02, 2027, 11:00:00 pm
    • 🇰🇷
Re: What is your contribution to your school's online classes? Let's vote!
« Reply #142 on: April 28, 2020, 08:14:43 am »
Yes. When you create a video for the students to watch and comment on, you can select several options, each with varying levels of security / convenience. The one I use gives the teacher a randomly generates key which you can then copy and give to your students. Only those with that key can watch your video and post responses. Only people with that key can see your students' response etc. It's kind of like a FB group page, except it's by invite only, and the focus is on short videos rather than text comments.

With the approaching arrival of my lovely students, all I can say is, it's been a fun experience to try out making videos for students to study from and their response has been great.  I also got more of an insight into the way that Korean high school teachers think.

Like I said earlier in the thread, I was a bit annoyed with other teachers because I found that all bar three (who were doing PPT narrations without their face) were just re-posting EBS/youtube teaching videos with no actual input from themselves.  I still think it's really lazy, but by high school it's more that you put the ball in the student's court and if they don't study then they will fall behind.  Also, in my province the teachers were encouraged to use the curriculum videos available and not post their own stuff.   :undecided:

Anyways.   Like my normal classes, I want my students to produce something each class to show a: they've followed it and b: they've understood it.  So, I made an email address for the students to send their work to.  This way meant that even if a student didn't have access to a laptop and a phone they could still complete the work, because they can write it all on a piece of paper and send later.  My original expectation was half for each grade.  So for second grade, if I got 80 out 158, then I'd be happy.  For the last three weeks, they're averaging about 140 out of 156. Which is great.  My 1st graders who've I've not met yet, are averaging about 120 out of 158.  Which is also great.  But it is a shit ton of work for me.  To date, I've replied to about 680 emails in two and a half weeks.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  First week was two classes, second week was three classes, and this week two again.  But the students seem to be really happy to do work and get feedback.  And for my first graders, I already know a ton of stuff about them from their work.  So I have a head start on other teachers, and I can see their level/confidence/interest already

Also, I've loved being an actor.  I loved using VSDC, so I bought it.  It was only 27 000 won, and with that I can do the seamless masking so I can have a conversation with myself.  This all culminated with my mum's birthday video last weekend, where I overlaid 6 of me, dancing and doing different things wearing different costumes.  :cheesy:

Now, with the impending arrival of students, I have one final video to make so 2nd grade will see that next week and the first graders the week after.  So at the end of the video, I'm going to have all the characters I used in the background chatting and then me as Thanos, poke my head up at the front and say it's 'the end of the online classes' and click his fingers.  All the characters disappear.  Sure I can do that.  :undecided:

  • Kyndo
  • Moderator LVL 1

    • I am a geek!!

    • March 02, 2027, 11:00:00 pm
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Yeah, vsdc is pretty cool. For my online lessons, I make a ppt and do a screencastomatic, then  make a second video going over the textbook pages I'm required to do (also via screencastomatic). But for my videos, I also do opening credits, an introduction, an intermission, and closing credits. I also assign homework by giving them a flipgrid link to watch my 30 second video there, and get them to post their own selfie video replying to my questions with target vocab/grammar. That leaves a lot of room for creativity, and I find that I'm spending an inordinate amount of time doing dumb stuff. I say it's all for the kiddos, but really I'm really enjoying all the stuff you can do with greenscreening and video editing.  :laugh:

   For the last couple lessons, I've settled for a kind of magic school-bus approach, except that it's a magic desk (a desk that happened to sit infront of a very large, bright green bulletin board in one of the neighbouring classrooms in my elementary school). Each lesson, my desk and I "teleport" (with fade and glitch effects, and multiple super cheesy lense flares, all coupled with sound effects stolen from Doctor Who episodes) to some random place and incorporate it into the lesson (sort of). So far, the desk has been floating over rushing clouds, in a bamboo forest, outerspace, and deep underwater. I'm running out of convenient youtube videos for good locations, so I'm gonna have them give me suggestions for my next lesson location in their flipgrid videos for homework.

Also, your students are coming back?  :shocked:
Mine wont be returning for another 2-4 weeks, depending on their grade.

Yeh, Kyndo.  I think you're like me in that every week has to be a progression or you've had an idea to do something really cool and you can actually realise it in the video.  But it's a pain in the ass because you're always wanting to improve.  :-[ Last week, I did 4 scenes and they were based on that 'what does he/she say next?' thing that students do here.  So for one I did a taxi journey.  So I found a moving back window on youtube and downloaded it, and put that on a magic board behind me.  Closer to the camera on the right was a taxi driver wearing a flat cap and then a moustache wearing passenger gets in to the left.    Dialogue done.  It's great when my students email me saying I'm getting better at acting  :laugh:

I think if you use a 'free' thing on the internet a couple of times, then I don't feel guilty about using it.  But seeming as I'm using VSDC a lot every day, I'd feel guilty about not buying it.  Not that you should though Kyndo!!!  :laugh: Maybe that weasel stealing your lunch was karma!!   :police:  But the multi-layer masking is brilliant and simple if you keep to some strict filming rules.  Like, you have to film all in one go as you can't move the camera and you have to 'stay in your lane'. 

3rd grade come back next week, but I don't have classes although I've been receiving mails from some of them, even though we don't have online classes.  A couple of them seem to have really suffered mentally from the stress of it being 3rd grade but being stuck at home.  Then my 2nd graders come back on the 20th.  1st graders 27th.  Now, I have to think about how to conduct classes for students knowing that students shouldn't really sit close together for conversation practice.   :undecided:

  • Kyndo
  • Moderator LVL 1

    • I am a geek!!

    • March 02, 2027, 11:00:00 pm
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A couple things:
 - I've found that blindingly bright "random" lens flares are excellent in disguising camera shifts. I use them liberally now. Flub a line? Lens flare! Need to finish a video the next day? Lens flare! Duct taped camera falls off stacked desks? Lens flare! Stupid screencastomatic froze for 5 seconds because school computer is utter sh*te? Multiple lens flares!
I think the students are starting to catch on, but whatever.
Also, foreground props work really well to hide crappy mask edges. That bamboo forest? Found some nice bamboo images I could stick in convenient places where I accidentally lop off an arm for a few seconds. Adds depth and realism too. I'm still looking for a good transparent background fog effect that I can use as an overlay, though.

 - Yeah, I ended up buying vsdc too. The free one is fine, but all my videos use masking and motion tracking, so it just made sense. It's cheap (20,000 won or so?), and I might possibly have lent the activation key to a friend or two, who may or may not have bought me a coffee in return, so yeah. Cheap.

   - If karma were a thing, I would be like Rennard from Legend of Huma: tormented in the afterlife, forever denied even a sip of water. Except it would be would be endless swarms of voracious weasels devouring everything I intend to touch.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2020, 01:50:17 pm by kyndo »

  • CypherSoul
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    • May 02, 2018, 07:51:18 am
    • South Korea

So, I tried converting my 698mb file into an Mp4 using Handbrake.  It took about 3 hours, but when I checked the size, it was only 480mbs and it's now in MP4 format with absolutely no loss of quality or audio.  Which is brilliant.

I saw this suggestion from you and it saved my life. Thank you!

  • Kyndo
  • Moderator LVL 1

    • I am a geek!!

    • March 02, 2027, 11:00:00 pm
    • 🇰🇷
So, I tried converting my 698mb file into an Mp4 using Handbrake.  It took about 3 hours, but when I checked the size, it was only 480mbs and it's now in MP4 format with absolutely no loss of quality or audio.  Which is brilliant.
You may want to upgrade your potato drivers to Goguma4.0. Can probably shave 5 or 6 minutes off that conversion time!