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Developing sensory skills in children
« on: May 29, 2020, 03:05:22 pm »

I think that sculpting in various masses is a great sensory experience for children, because by crushing and shaping "this thing", even often without purpose, they have the opportunity to feel the product in their hands.

I would like to present you two ideas that my children love having fun with.

First we'll make fluffy soapy paint.

You will need:
- a mixer
-  a glass of grated soap
- half a glass of cold water
- food dye
- a bowl.

Mix the soap with water to make a thick and stiff mixture. Add the food dye to obtain the color you desire.
Prepare cardboard or thick paper, a plastic knife or ice cream stick and a bag with a string closure.
Let the child form the mixture with their fingers (you can help if needed) on the cardboard, crush it with a plastic knife, put it in the bag, close it and then cut off one of its corners to allow squeezing the mixture out.
Can you make a figure out of this mass? If so (and trust me! every kid can make something), leave them to dry on the window sill; they will make an interesting exhibition.

The second thing is particularly pleasing for children and I call it a soapy mess

What you need:
- toilet paper
- grated soap bar
- large bowl
- water

You have to tear a roll of toilet paper in narrow strips. Then put grated soap into the bowl, add the torn paper and pour a little water. By squishing and mixing you can prepare a pulp, a mass. Now you can form various shapes. When you are done leave those little works of art on the window sill to dry.

What I also like to do after we are done with any form of art and creating is to initiate a conversation with my kids describing what they have created and how the process took place.

It is really fun!

Big thank you to my friends at Geelong web design