Great work.
Here are some ideas I've used for music lessons:
- After teaching some adjectives, have them listen to various genres and pick an adjective e.g. "I think Soul is ______"
- Gap-fill, write out a chorus, verse or whatever of your song of choice, on the board. omit a few words and have the students
listen and fill in what they can. (Give them a printout). I used A-ha's 'Take on Me' and Greenday's 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' for this.
I will say that I take this as an opportunity to expose them to music they've likely never heard. I don't see the point of playing too much K-pop, mainstream pop etc. to them, yes, it has it's uses, but part of the fun is to expose them to something new, whether they hate it or love it... At the end of the lesson, one girl asked me to write down the name of band I'd just played, she absolutely loved it... it was Slipknot.
I use genres for my lesson and try to cover everything including Metal, RnB, Funk, Country, Pop, Hip-Hop, Baroque, Traditional, EDM etc. I might even pick a genre like pop and show how it's changed throughout the years.