Hi! I am having trouble downloading the file :(
excellent. what do you think off the top of your head, suitable for G3 elementary students? (just so i don't have to sift through the clips myself)
This is a Halloween-themed Scene It game. There are 10 video clips altogether, but I've only ever been able to make it to clip #7. This was made for middle school students in mind, so a few of the videos may be too scary for younger students. File size is around 700 mb. It's very media heavy. I embedded the fonts, but I also included the font files just in case the embed fails. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing or downloading the folder. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WmVVIxVomV2mQitkTVQcDM4I0G6giw96?usp=sharing
I'm getting an error message saying "media unavailable" for all the video files, and they don't work. Do you have YouTube links or another way to get the video clips?
You probably just need to install Quicktime Player. It's free, here's the download site: https://support.apple.com/downloads/quicktimeI can upload the videos in a separate file, but I'm afraid I won't be able to until much later today. I'll post that download link when I can for people who're still having trouble playing the embedded videos. In the meantime, try installing quicktime and let me know how it works afterwards.Edit - Nevermind, had a class cancelled on me, so I could do this just now. I included the link for the vid files in the first post, but here it is: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EXtbLiNJAPsCW59bP6mLi-7EG3Kyn-Xw?usp=sharing
I got Scene It from another site and it plays fine with Hanshow for me. It looks great, and I'll be using it with grade 6 on Friday.