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The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« on: November 12, 2020, 04:09:43 pm »
I know that talking about certain issues regarding sectarian communities is touchy. But based on my research this is what I have noticed about countries with the highest rates of COVID-19 cases.

What I have noticed, is that the majority of countries around the world that have the highest numbers of COVID-19 cases, are
countries that have a majority Christian population. India on the other hand has the second highest number of COVID-19 cases, but India has a mostly Hindu population. The USA, and Brazil have the highest numbers of COVID-19, and those countries have predominantly Christian populations. The same can be said of other regional countries that are predominantly Christian, such as The Philippines, and South Africa.

I will not however single out the predominantly Christian (or pseudo-Christian) countries, because even the Muslim countries have proven to be just as bad with their high numbers of COVID-19 cases. To name a few, Iran, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia. Also the state of Israel, the Jewish homeland has a high number of cases in the hundreds of thousands.

What I have also noticed is that the countries where most people claim to be of what some would call Atheistic religions, are doing a way better job than several countries with predominantly Abrahamic religions (Christians, Jews, and Muslims). These Atheistic countries are mostly in East Asia. Countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos. These particular countries are doing very well in their fight against COVID-19. I may also throw in Korea and Japan.  You look at Taiwan, their total number of COVID-19 cases have never exceeded 600 in 10 months, the same goes for Cambodia and Laos. The cases in Vietnam haven't grown too fast. Vietnam got 1,700 cases and 1059 have recovered. Thailand had only 3,700 ad cases, and 3,500 ad people have recovered. Korea and Japan were up in the double digit thousands, like around 10,000 ad cases, and 9 in 10 have recovered. 

So you see, the East Asian countries with mostly predominantly Atheistic populations are doing well, unlike Malaysia, Indonesia, and The Philippines with most Abrahamic faith (Christian and Muslim) populations. So why are many countries with mostly Abrahamic faith populations not doing well in their fight against COVID-19? The answer is simple, too many people in the Abrahamic faith groups are either ignorant or selfish.

I am not saying this to offend anybody. I am a Christian and I refuse to be selfish to put other people ask risk. And I also refuse to be ignorant because I think science is an important factor to know the dangers of COVID-19, how it mutates, and what we can do to stop the spread of this virus. Plus I am not an anti-masker. I wear a mask when I go to certain places in public and when I go to work. So it is my prayer that regardless of our religions that we will defeat this virus, or perhaps learn to live with this virus and prevent ourselves from being infected.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 10:07:44 pm by Foreverparadise »

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2020, 06:17:57 pm »
My theory is that Asian countries learned from their missteps with SARS and MERS and got their shit together. They already had contact tracing systems planned before Covid hit, and had experience in rapidly mobilizing medical responses. And they've already been doing things for years like scanning peoples' temperatures at airports and subway stations, or recommending mask usage during bad flu seasons.

The rest of the world meanwhile didn't have to face those diseases and got really really complacent. Pretty much all the same mistakes from the 1918 flu are being repeated by people who should really know better by now.

I really don't think it's as simple as "Asians follow authority, Westerners are lazy and selfish." Spending time around Koreans will quickly teach you how little they care about rules or a higher authority unless it's their mother or boss. I think it's more that Asian governments don't want to make the same mistakes they did with SARS and MERS, and have given themselves powers and resources that Western countries are only starting to think about.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 06:22:59 pm by MayorHaggar »

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2020, 10:22:46 pm »
My theory is that Asian countries learned from their missteps with SARS and MERS and got their shit together. They already had contact tracing systems planned before Covid hit, and had experience in rapidly mobilizing medical responses. And they've already been doing things for years like scanning peoples' temperatures at airports and subway stations, or recommending mask usage during bad flu seasons.

The rest of the world meanwhile didn't have to face those diseases and got really really complacent. Pretty much all the same mistakes from the 1918 flu are being repeated by people who should really know better by now.

I really don't think it's as simple as "Asians follow authority, Westerners are lazy and selfish." Spending time around Koreans will quickly teach you how little they care about rules or a higher authority unless it's their mother or boss. I think it's more that Asian governments don't want to make the same mistakes they did with SARS and MERS, and have given themselves powers and resources that Western countries are only starting to think about.

You got a point there. We cannot generalize on the sectarian part of it too much. But from what I have been seeing from these videos coming out of the USA and what I have been reading, there are too many so-called Christians who are behaving like unruly children when they are told that they need to wear masks, and they act out like brats saying "I want my freedom I want my freedom," and ranting all over the place. You could say they are children trapped in adult bodies. But it's not just Americans who behave this way, there are people in Christian communities in other parts of the world who are just as ignorant because they are not taking precautions.  Some of them just use faith as a copout to reality. That is one of the reasons why most Western countries are not fighting COVID-19 very good in comparison to some East Asian countries. But as much as I am for religious freedom, sometimes our freedoms should be limited to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If I cannot go to church, at least I can do online worship, nothing stops me from doing that.

  • gogators!
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    • March 16, 2016, 04:35:48 pm
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Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2020, 03:13:34 am »
You got a point there. We cannot generalize on the sectarian part of it too much. But from what I have been seeing from these videos coming out of the USA and what I have been reading, there are too many so-called Christians who are behaving like unruly children when they are told that they need to wear masks, and they act out like brats saying "I want my freedom I want my freedom," and ranting all over the place. You could say they are children trapped in adult bodies. But it's not just Americans who behave this way, there are people in Christian communities in other parts of the world who are just as ignorant because they are not taking precautions.  Some of them just use faith as a copout to reality. That is one of the reasons why most Western countries are not fighting COVID-19 very good in comparison to some East Asian countries. But as much as I am for religious freedom, sometimes our freedoms should be limited to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If I cannot go to church, at least I can do online worship, nothing stops me from doing that.
Many Christians seem to be fatalists (or believe in predestination).  "If God wants to take me..."

  • hangook77
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    • September 14, 2017, 09:10:12 am
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Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2020, 08:56:05 am »
My theory is that Asian countries learned from their missteps with SARS and MERS and got their shit together. They already had contact tracing systems planned before Covid hit, and had experience in rapidly mobilizing medical responses. And they've already been doing things for years like scanning peoples' temperatures at airports and subway stations, or recommending mask usage during bad flu seasons.

The rest of the world meanwhile didn't have to face those diseases and got really really complacent. Pretty much all the same mistakes from the 1918 flu are being repeated by people who should really know better by now.

I really don't think it's as simple as "Asians follow authority, Westerners are lazy and selfish." Spending time around Koreans will quickly teach you how little they care about rules or a higher authority unless it's their mother or boss. I think it's more that Asian governments don't want to make the same mistakes they did with SARS and MERS, and have given themselves powers and resources that Western countries are only starting to think about.

When you consider how many deaths there were in total and how much smaller the world's population was, the Spanish flu was obviously a much bigger problem.  The numbers were larger both in total overall and as a percentage of the population.    The world and all countries are doing much much better this time around.  The negative sensationalism of the news media will poison your mind and fill you with doom and gloom and extreme negative thoughts.  Steer clear of them.  Most of the main stream news media are a negative force. 

Take the precautions with covid and stay safe.  But don't live with a doomsday scenario.  Covid deaths and infections are not even close to the Spanish Flu numbers. 

  • hangook77
  • The Legend

    • 3242

    • September 14, 2017, 09:10:12 am
    • Near Busan
Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2020, 08:58:34 am »
Many Christians seem to be fatalists (or believe in predestination).  "If God wants to take me..."

Well, that's the wrong type of thinking.  The Christians I know believe in praying and warring against such things and spirits and whatever.  Pushing back the darkness as they say to me or I hear it.  (Covid, election, etc).  I even see some of these folks posting on their Facebook pages and other media.  Relatives, old friends, and what not. 

  • CO2
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Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2020, 09:03:42 am »
I even see some of these folks posting on their Facebook pages and other media.  Relatives, old friends, and what not. 

What does this mean?
ETA 2day 4hour 45min to next reboot.

  • hangook77
  • The Legend

    • 3242

    • September 14, 2017, 09:10:12 am
    • Near Busan
Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2020, 09:06:10 am »
What does this mean?

I mean many Christians and full believers that I have on my Facebook friends lists.  Folks I knew from childhood as adult leaders or childhood friends, etc.  Quite a few went from my childhood church onto Pentecostal and then other types of Non Denominational Churches and movements.  So, I can see what they are saying and things they are passing on. 

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2020, 10:46:37 am »
too many people in the Abrahamic faith groups are either ignorant or selfish.

I agree, but what's the cause of being ignorant or selfish?

I can't be sure that you're highlighting Religious beliefs as the source of this behaviour, but you are making some inferences that there's a positive correlation between the two. If I'm wrong, apologies.

The fact that you identify as Christian while acting responsibly, by wearing your mask etc. proves that it's not the Religion that's the issue. If it were, every Muslim, Christian and Jew would refuse to wear their masks and/or obey quarantine restrictions.

In the same way that a fat person detests physical activities, the ignorant doesn't feel comfortable when their mind is forced to think or is put under stress. Many ignorant people see Religion as the easy way out; to them it justifies binary and absolute thinking and it relieves them of the mental task of understanding 'The Why'.
Typically, these people are the biggest hypocrites as they don't even understand their Faith properly.

Ask an idiot to fry you an egg and he/she will find a way to screw things up. Should we then blame the recipe? Should we blame the frying pan? Ignorant, selfish and stupid people are skilled at using whatever is at their disposal, be it their possessions, body or identity, to justify getting what they want and wrecking havoc on everyone else.

China is officially Atheist and they started this whole mess. Their government tried to cover it up and is responsible for everything we're dealing with right now. I can't think of a more ignorant and selfish example than that.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 11:49:37 am by Aristocrat »

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2020, 11:36:07 am »
I mean many Christians and full believers that I have on my Facebook friends lists.  Folks I knew from childhood as adult leaders or childhood friends, etc.  Quite a few went from my childhood church onto Pentecostal and then other types of Non Denominational Churches and movements.  So, I can see what they are saying and things they are passing on. 

Snake handling and speaking in tongues sure as hell isn't going to help with covid. Thinking it will is the kind of fatalistic denialism that you're refusing to admit exists.

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2020, 02:04:23 pm »

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2020, 04:00:14 pm »
If we're going to look at religion and COVID and say that religion makes it hard for a country to deal with COVID, Korea kind of blows that theory out of the water. I'm also unsure how reliably we can take numbers our of 3rd world nations. We also seem to be utterly discarding numbers out of Africa. Finally, I'm not sure that "Lack of religion is why China was able to effectively deal with COVID by welding people into their apartments and waiting for them to die." is really a strong point of comparison.

I think there's far more that goes into COVID than religion. People look for flashy, easy solutions like blaming religion or Trump, when in fact it isn't that simple. But stupid people want simplistic easy answers for complex interactions, so that's what they gravitate towards.

Re: The Sectarian Related Facts About COVID-19
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2020, 04:08:11 pm »
I think there's far more that goes into COVID than religion. People look for flashy, easy solutions like blaming religion or Trump, when in fact it isn't that simple. But stupid people want simplistic easy answers for complex interactions, so that's what they gravitate towards.


Blaming all Religions for disregarding quarantine protocol is the same as believing only prayer is going to cure you, both are simplistic and binary ways of thinking.