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  • 745sticky
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    • March 26, 2020, 01:52:57 pm
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Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #120 on: April 02, 2021, 10:55:53 am »
you mentioned this already a few pages ago. no one has forgotten. (true.)
my brain isnt operating at full capacity rn just tell me what the joke is here lol

Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #121 on: April 02, 2021, 11:02:37 am »
I don't think that "lying" is really a fair word here. A lot of people simply don't understand efficient exercise/actual calorie-counting enough to give any sort of estimation beyond the effort put in. I think the majority of people trying to lose weight aren't self-loathing snakes that have to desperately hide their lack of effort, rather just misinformed people who aren't exercising/dieting properly, and don't see results despite putting in the effort.
Well I certainly agree to some extent, as my list of food fails attests to. That being said, yeah a bunch are just lying. Lying to the doctor and lying to themselves. Just like people lie to the dentist.

Like if my car broke down I could spend a lot of time trying to fix it and ultimately fail. Doesn't change the fact that I tried, though.

And what I'm getting at here isn't that we should reward people for trying, but that instead of shaming people for trying and failing we should be encouraging and show them the right way to go about it. Instead of saying that they are "lying" just skip the accusatory tone altogether and introduce them to a dietician or something.
Depends how you tried. Did you actually try or did you open up the hood, fiddle for 5 minutes,  drink your 2nd beer, shoot the bull with your neighbor who rattles something for 5 minutes and then decide to watch the ballgame?

If you're going to lose a lot of weight, you need to be honest with yourself. All the dieticians in the world can't help a person who lies to themselves and then to their doctor/dietician. Same as drug addicts. They have to be willing and they have to be honest about why they're doing it and if they're doing them or not.

I mentioned earlier on this thread the only reason their voices are even projected so much is because of people making fun of them and whatnot. I mean the only reason I heard of that bit of the body positivity movement was conservative outlets mocking them lol.
Uh....Lizzo anyone? Then you had people attacking Adele for losing weight.

  • 745sticky
  • Hero of Waygookistan

    • 1226

    • March 26, 2020, 01:52:57 pm
    • Korea
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #122 on: April 02, 2021, 12:02:42 pm »
Well I certainly agree to some extent, as my list of food fails attests to. That being said, yeah a bunch are just lying. Lying to the doctor and lying to themselves. Just like people lie to the dentist.
there are people that lie, yeah, but my default position is usually to assume they're just misinformed and approach it from that angle.

Depends how you tried. Did you actually try or did you open up the hood, fiddle for 5 minutes,  drink your 2nd beer, shoot the bull with your neighbor who rattles something for 5 minutes and then decide to watch the ballgame?
if i did, i'd still be better served by someone telling me to go to a mechanic than someone telling me "its easy, you can fix it, youre just lying" or w.e lol
i think a more apt metaphor for what i think youre getting at would be if a mechanic saw my car spewing out toxic fumes or w.e, asked me what was wrong, and i said "nothing i took care of it already"

If you're going to lose a lot of weight, you need to be honest with yourself. All the dieticians in the world can't help a person who lies to themselves and then to their doctor/dietician. Same as drug addicts. They have to be willing and they have to be honest about why they're doing it and if they're doing them or not.
yeah, ok, but i really dont think that the majority of people are like that, and i still prefer to give the benefit of the doubt

Uh....Lizzo anyone? Then you had people attacking Adele for losing weight.
You could point to any number of dumb shit involving/surrounding celebrities, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't take tabloid-tier shit too seriously, lol.

Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #123 on: April 02, 2021, 01:15:19 pm »
there are people that lie, yeah, but my default position is usually to assume they're just misinformed and approach it from that angle.
I really don't see any reason to do that. Given that people lie to their dentist about how many times they brush their teeth a day, something that is NOT a result of misinformation, I think they are likely lying about this. I mean, not eating garbage food, eating reasonable portion sizes and getting some kind of exercise are not really rocket science concepts. I mean sure if you have people coming in saying "I jog this much per day, and I'm keeping a journal of what I eat and how much I exercise" and so on, then yeah, lying might not be the thing to assume.

I don't think many people are coming in with food diaries and fitbit records and so on. If they do, the doctor will almost certainly give them a completely different response, especially such a person is likely to start with "Here are my records, maybe I missed something, can you take a look?"

if i did, i'd still be better served by someone telling me to go to a mechanic than someone telling me "its easy, you can fix it, youre just lying"
Me personally, I was better served by my dad telling me to get my butt back outside and under the car when he found me in front of the TV watching college football instead of working on the car like I was supposed to. It wasn't too hard. I could try and lie that I didn't know how or it was too difficult, but that wouldn't work.

But fair enough, your metaphor probably works better, so I'm not going to dispute it too much.

yeah, ok, but i really dont think that the majority of people are like that, and i still prefer to give the benefit of the doubt
Ahhh...the classic debate I've had with Mr. C- To what extent are people liars and how much do they lie to others and to themselves? I take it both you and him are on the "People are mostly honest" side of things. I am much more cynical of human nature. Probably why you two, to paraphrase George F. Will, "Are happy and liberal, while I'm embittered and conservative."

You could point to any number of dumb shit involving/surrounding celebrities, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't take tabloid-tier shit too seriously, lol.
Lizzo was a bit beyond tabloid. And in this day and age, yeah, celebrities do drive the conversation about many things.

Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #124 on: April 02, 2021, 01:50:20 pm »
there are people that lie, yeah, but my default position is usually to assume they're just misinformed and approach it from that angle.

The more overweight the person is the more likely they're utilising classic defense mechanisms such as denial, avoidance, repression and projection to protect themselves from confronting the reality of their weight.

On that 600lb life show (my wife loves to watch it), the doctor will give them a 1200cal diet to stick to for the next 1-2months and he'll say that they'll be able to EASILY lose 30kg+ (more depending on their weight), if they stick to it. Many of them come back losing 1-3kg (that's a big crap for someone who eats that much) and many have actually put on weight.

They'll all repeat the SAME lines when the doctor asks them what happened:

- I worked  and exercised so hard
- I stuck to the diet
- I don't know what happened

These are extreme cases, but the defense mechanism strategies that overweight people use are exactly the same as obese people:

- I wish I had the time to workout
- I wish I had the time to eat healthily
- Yes, we're all fat hahahaha (projection and/or hiding behind humour)


Yes, plenty of people are misinformed and the information spread by things like body-positivity (Being fat is ok, since people come in all shapes and sizes. You can't lose the fat because of your genetics etc.) is a huge part of the problem.

Anyways, to eat past the point that your body says "enough" is literally eating yourself past discomfort. At this point, the only reason you're still eating is because there's a problem upstairs.

Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #125 on: April 02, 2021, 02:11:40 pm »
Something to think about regarding Body Positivity.

I know one of these Body Positivity moms, she's pretty fat. She has a teenage daughter who has, sadly, gone from chubby to fat in a very short amount of time. Smart and delightful girl, but there you have it. The entire family is fat because of a lack of exercise and seriously unhealthy eating habits, this isn't just my BS, I've sat down and shared meals in their home on multiple occasions. There's scarcely any vegetables on the table, they'll wash down mountains of food with rivers of Coke and then there's pies and cake for dessert. Some tasty stuff, but f*cking hell, I'd be able to go 3 days without eating after that.

The daughter is extremely sensitive about her weight, as teenage girls are, and might be getting teased for it (bullying is unacceptable, but it'll always be there. Expecting a society where everyone says nice things is incredibly naive). To make her daughter feel better the mother took her on a shopping spree and buys her RIDICULOUSLY expensive clothes and shoes.

This doesn't come from nowhere because the fat mother has her own shopping addiction to cope with her insecurities of being fat. It's gotten bad enough to cause financial problems for the family.

All the while the mother has done an almost CCP style censorship of any movies, games, pictures, words and even people associated with being fit, athletic or slim. None of those things are welcome in her home and all the while, she'll try to brainwash all around her that she's a BBW, that she's healthy and an 11/10 etc.

This is the kind of nonsense you're going to be doing if you're going to try and get your brain to deny 200,000yrs of human instinct.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 02:29:03 pm by Aristocrat »

  • tylerthegloob
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    • September 28, 2016, 10:46:24 am
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Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #126 on: April 02, 2021, 02:24:39 pm »
my brain isnt operating at full capacity rn just tell me what the joke is here lol

holy shit i shouldve used 'reply' because he deleted it.

L1 wrote something like "Most americans are fat. Most are not trying to lose weight. (Fact)"
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  • CO2
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    • March 02, 2015, 03:41:14 pm
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Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #127 on: April 02, 2021, 02:32:14 pm »
I just think most people (most, of course there are assholes out there) are sick of

A) "Actually, I am attractive." Well, that's not for you to say. You can think that you're hot, I don't care. But you cannot expect anyone else to. Same with being funny or smart or any other trait that someone might have. "I AM FUNNY." Well, it's not up to you. Sorry.

B) "Actually, this isn't unhealthy." Again.............. really? I don't really care what you do with your body, genuinely. But don't tell me that being 135kg and measuring a whopping 165cm tall doesn't come without consequences. It does.

C) "I can't lose weight. My body isn't X/Y/Z." Have you talked to a fitness coach/dietician? No? Then.............. sorry, that's hard to believe then. Oh, you have? Have you talked to medical personnel? Family doc, endocrinologist, anyone? No one is an expert at everything.  And it's highly unlikely that you're one of those 1 in 10 000 people with this bizarre endocrine issue.

Most people here are not for bullying overweight people. Most people don't REALLY, GENUINELY care that someone is overweight.

But when A, B or C happen, then it's "Uhh, sorry. That's not how that works."

No one here wants to round overweight people up and put them in weight loss camps while shouting at them about how ugly they are.

But a lot of people simply don't like "WELP WHAT CAN YOU DO? HUEHUE THIS IS ME, NOTHING I CAN DO." *devours 2100 calories for lunch*

« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 02:49:42 pm by CO2 »
The first thing to say is that this is definitely not pyramid selling, OK?

Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #128 on: April 02, 2021, 02:39:59 pm »
I don't think most people (most, of course there are assholes out there) just are sick of

Nicely summed up. My grandmother was fat as hell and I loved her to death. I don't feel sympathy or hate for a fat person, I feel the same about a fat stranger as any other stranger.

I just have a finite level of tolerance for bullshit and arguing against bullshit is a good way to get those long deskwarming hours to pass.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 02:44:19 pm by Aristocrat »

  • L I
  • Waygook Lord

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    • October 03, 2011, 01:50:58 pm
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #129 on: April 02, 2021, 02:41:13 pm »
”Most americans are fat. Most are not trying to lose weight. (Fact)"

Correct. Most Americans are not actively even trying to lose weight. Even though they are overweight. They probably (errantly) think they are healthy the way they are and thus aren’t making an effort to change. (And/or they don’t care / can’t be bothered.) This is not everyone; however, it is A LOT. As soon as I wrote that I deleted it, thinking it to be distasteful, however I’ll say it again now. It’s true. Statistics show most Americans aren’t dieting. Statistics also show most Americans are overweight. And alcohol consumption went up during the pandemic. And weight went up, too. (There’s a correlation there.)

Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #130 on: April 02, 2021, 02:54:44 pm »
When I came to Korea I resolved to get in better shape and it lasted for a good while

What it took-
1) Eating "North Korean" portions at lunch. Which after a few days, and some discipline, your body gets used to it. Half a bowl of soup, a small lump of rice, and really small servings of the side dishes. I got to the point where 1 piece of pizza or two pieces of chicken would leave me feeling full. I didn't have any guide, I just had discipline.
2) I started running around the school soccer field and using the local ajosshi and ajumma exercise crap during lunchtime. Didn't need any guides or doctors. Just getting off my ass to do it.
3) Seriously cut down drinking. Exercising 7 days a week meant I couldn't afford to feel like shit the next day.

Cost: Zero. Consultations: Zero. Results didn't show overnight, it took months, but it worked. Got to my lowest weight in years.

I'm not everyone, but FFS this isn't rocket science. Stop shoveling massive amounts of shit into your mouth and get up off your duff. It doesn't cost a cent. It actually saves you massive amounts of money. And yes, you totally have the time. I just chose to exercise at lunch instead of lounging around on the internet.

  • tylerthegloob
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    • September 28, 2016, 10:46:24 am
    • Busan
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #131 on: April 02, 2021, 02:56:40 pm »
But actually, I am funny AND I am attractive. (There's a correlation there.)(Fact.)
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  • L I
  • Waygook Lord

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    • October 03, 2011, 01:50:58 pm
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #132 on: April 02, 2021, 02:58:45 pm »
i think a more apt metaphor for what i think youre getting at would be if a mechanic saw my car spewing out toxic fumes or w.e, asked me what was wrong, and i said "nothing i took care of already”

“My toxic fumes spewing car looks great. Who are you so tell me it’s not. You’ve been conditioned by unrealistic societal beauty standards. There’s nothing wrong or unhealthy about this. You’re exhaust shaming. Nothing can be done to change this car anyways. It’s just the way the car is. And it’s wonderful and beautiful.”

  • CO2
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    • March 02, 2015, 03:41:14 pm
    • Uiwang
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #133 on: April 02, 2021, 03:02:18 pm »
Some levity............. . (and a classic YT vid)
The first thing to say is that this is definitely not pyramid selling, OK?

  • L I
  • Waygook Lord

    • 5661

    • October 03, 2011, 01:50:58 pm
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #134 on: April 02, 2021, 03:02:39 pm »
Good video. The advice to exercise to this is solid:
« Last Edit: April 02, 2021, 03:14:41 pm by L I »

  • L I
  • Waygook Lord

    • 5661

    • October 03, 2011, 01:50:58 pm
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #135 on: April 02, 2021, 03:15:06 pm »

But actually, I am funny AND I am attractive. (There's a correlation there.)(Fact.)

Post again some of the hilarious writing you’ve penned. A laugh to round out the workweek will do us some good.

  • Kyndo
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    • March 03, 2011, 09:45:24 am
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Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #136 on: April 02, 2021, 04:39:48 pm »
“My toxic fumes spewing car looks great. Who are you so tell me it’s not. You’ve been conditioned by unrealistic societal beauty standards. There’s nothing wrong or unhealthy about this. You’re exhaust shaming. Nothing can be done to change this car anyways. It’s just the way the car is. And it’s wonderful and beautiful.”

 It's so... so... so beautiful! Brings a tear to my eye, it does. *cough cough*

  • CO2
  • Waygook Lord

    • 6722

    • March 02, 2015, 03:41:14 pm
    • Uiwang
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #137 on: April 02, 2021, 04:57:31 pm »
Can I post a picture of my emissions?
The first thing to say is that this is definitely not pyramid selling, OK?

  • Kyndo
  • Moderator LVL 1

    • 1970

    • March 03, 2011, 09:45:24 am
    • Gyeongsangbuk-do
Re: self-acceptance vs. self-improvement
« Reply #138 on: April 03, 2021, 11:29:36 am »
Only if they're similar to that truck.