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Re: Finding the balance in teaching
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2021, 02:39:34 pm »
...are not schools for children.

If a former employer has it in for you, you could at least omit your record of working there from your C.V.
If, for whatever reason, you get one of those demerits on your school record, there's no way to get it expunged. It's worse than a criminal record, which can at least be wiped from your record.
You'll never have the opportunity to go back to public school to change you records.
Oh I agree. I'm not saying I agree with the system, Just that I understand where it came from and the mentality that started it. But time has marched on since those days.

What you seem to be making a case for is some kind of Humanistic/multifaceted approach. In reality, that's not going to work unless you're the most accomplished and experienced teacher on Earth. You're also assuming your classroom size, allotted time, school policy and a myriad of other factors are going to magically blend with this ad-hoc discipline strategy you've concocted.
Well I wouldn't say that. I mean, there's not much that would have to be done to say, have a teacher choose between some type of counseling, detention, physical labor, corporal punishment, and maybe a few others. Basically one of the problems is that two of those have been eliminated as "barbaric" but the fact is that some students do not respond to other punishments but will respond to those. It's not like you'd have to build some new facility at the school and have a bunch of equipment

My comments on detention are in regards to detention as I experienced it, which I think were fairly typical for American children or at least children in my state, given that I experienced their various forms at several different schools (Private, Catholic, Public), That being said, detention might be quite different elsewhere.