I drink about 18 units per week. Which is slightly over what the NHSin the UK considers safe (14). But if I lived in Spain I could drink 35 unitsa week and be considered safe.Seems like doctors in different countries live in different realities Ifpeople listened to everything some random quack wrote in the internetwe would be eating nothing but green vegetables and drinking water.I've done most drugs short of putting a needle in my arm and some ofthe new ones out today. If you're an adult, 19, you should be able tochoose. Portugal decriminalized ALL recreational drugs and apparentlythat was the right move for them,
As for the small script, it's hard to read but I believe it says "c'est moi" which would mean "It's me."I'm pretty sure on the c'est, but I'm assuming the moi part.
Yep. That makes sense.Same joke, but shorter comment would fit that better.Too bad that whoever took that picture used a potato, else I'd make like CSI and "Enhance"
https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/I-drink-in-moderation-with-him-man-gift-by-Catcrea/47720326.D681C?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=g.pla+notset&country_code=AU&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2NyFBhDoARIsAMtHtZ4PPjv2e0ahCChEts4V4jSTK8FOFtFA0ge376edrDKUPqDmxRpyssMaAsEdEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.dsBetter?c'est lui. That said. I'm off to the bottle-O!
"Dude, how are you not smoking weed back in USA? Thats totally what I'd be doing. What's wrong with you???" is the attitude of a child.
Marijuana: less damaging than alcohol. And more health benefits than alcohol. What health benefits? Fat loss, whereas alcohol causes fat gain. Insulin regulation, lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, may reduce the risk of some cancers...https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/20-medical-benefits-marijuana-you-probably-never-knew.html
My apoligies dude but typing has become an issre.
Don't tell Koreans this. Marijuana = heroin, cocaine, meth... [in this country] I don'teven bother trying to explain the scene in North America to Koreans anymore. Itjust doesn't sink in.
Stay on topic, please.