I have been teaching in Guangzhou for 12 years. I teach in a public middle school and high school. My PPT are all high quality as they have been changed almost every year to meet my high standards. Yes, my PPT are very long and many of them have few words. This is because I teach oral English and I think it is better for my students to hear me talk than to read the words. My classes are 40 minutes long, and some of my PPT are split into 2 lessons. If you are in China and you would like to contact me, my QQ number is 1182497989.
This is a middle school lesson with a small joke followed by an idiom. There are some words they will not know and they will not understand the joke the first time they read it. So i explain the words and show them that some words have multiple meanings.
For the video at the end, I let them listen to the audio first and then I show them the video but I stop it before the man sees the car. I explain how it shows an example of the idiom in the lesson. Then i start the video over and allow them to watch it completely.
****BONUS. In some classes we finish early enough and I make them guess the German words at the end of the video. I ask them why the ad is made for Germany but the man is speaking English. This is a good way to let them see that if they were to visit Germany they would be able to communicate with the local people using English. Then i do the same for Spain and France "Parlez vous francias? no? then if you go to France they do not speak Chinese and you do not know French, so how will you talk to the local people? they reply ENGLISH. then i coyly reply, "So, what you are telling me is that English is important and if you want to travel to other countries you must study English well?"