Read 228 times

Bad Situation/Bad Idea/Bad People
« on: August 01, 2022, 02:20:52 am »

Nancy Pelosi to Travel to Asia With Possible Taiwan Stop, Despite China Warnings
The Navy is moving an aircraft carrier strike group toward the South China Sea as Mrs. Pelosi visits major U.S. allies.

(if you cannot access the entire article, Firebox has a really good etxension for bypassing paywalls)

Pelosi is a vile, corrupt woman/politician.  How her, trying to gaslight the Chinese is NOT reckless and unstable, I don't know.  What I do know, is that the U.S. is weaker under her (and a few others) "leadership" and she is doing the country no favors by clicking her dentures around, and pretending she is actually a force for good, when it is the complete opposite.  Her hubris is disgusting and reflective of what is in D.C., at the moment. 

I don't blame China.  If it weren't for Taiwan owning 90% of the chip market, I would not give a one corn-turd about Taiwan.  Let them and China work it out. The U.S. has no business stomping about...and I genuinely wish my country was not involved in foreign entanglements.  Besides, China eyeballed the world while it did nothing over Hong Kong. 

I assure you ,there are plenty of people in the U.S., that hope a keystone cop puts some CBD/Hash/marijuana oil in Pelosi's purse....she would not be missed.

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Re: Bad Situation/Bad Idea/Bad People
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2022, 02:29:23 am »
Californians have re-elected her for a staggering 18th term.

I was fond of her vocal opposition to Bush's war in Iraq. (Biden equivocated.)

I have no other thoughts on the matter, as i ain't American and couldn't care less about partisan politics.
Life's to live! Live! Breathe. Relax. Enjoy. Animals teach us to focus on family, friends and avoid danger. Get what you need and get along with others. That said, some rock the boat, but they know capsizin' it means they're sunk. Some sink, let's swim! The sea's big, great, but has undercurrents.

Re: Bad Situation/Bad Idea/Bad People
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2022, 02:31:15 am »
Californians have re-elected her for a staggering 18th term.

I was fond of her vocal opposition to Bush's war in Iraq. (Biden equivocated.)

I have no other thoughts on the matter, as i ain't American and couldn't care less about partisan politics.

Political intrigue, as a few short years before (pre-9/11), she was convinced there were WMD's in Iraq just like the rest of the Washington cabal. I was opposed as well ,I'll back you on that.

Considering the state of a once great city, known as San Francisco, her and others in power in that city have a lot to answer for. 

Anyway..Taiwan....y eah, bad idea.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2022, 02:35:57 am by FunBuster »

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Re: Bad Situation/Bad Idea/Bad People
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2022, 06:34:45 am »
"Pelosi passed:

The Affordable Care Act: Better known as Obamacare with the public option (the option was eventually taken out for the Republican compromise of the Heritage Foundation mandate, yeah the one they say they hate).

Dodd-Frank: This Wall Street reform was passed as a response to the recession of 2008 with hope that a financial crisis like that will never happen again and in hopes that banks will never become too big to fail.

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay: Sought to make sure women receive equal pay for equal work.

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008: Passed to lessen the blow of a recession and boost the economy away from a financial freefall. “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 put $787 billion into the economy in hope of blunting the effect of the recession.”

The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Which allowed LGBTQ individuals in our military to serve openly without consequence.

Via Politico, she also passed:

111th Congress:

Credit Card Reform: The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights issued new regulations on card companies, demanding that they increase transparency.

Student Loans: The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act increases the amount of Pell Grants for college students.

Tobacco Regulation: The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act gave the Food and Drug Administration the power to regulate the tobacco industry.

Food Safety: The Food Safety Modernization Act would give the Food and Drug Administration more power over food producers (passed by Senate, not yet signed into law).

110th Congress:

Raising minimum wage

Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Establishing the Office of Congressional Ethics

Let’s not look past this tweet either, which includes a few more that hadn’t been mentioned yet:

Not only is Nancy Pelosi the Speaker we need, she’s the Speaker everyone should want — everyone. The divisiveness coming from the Democratic party stating they want change is not only maddening for many, but it just shows how some seek to shake things up right as we need to be a united front against Donald Trump. And seeing as the House is the only body of government able to hold him accountable at the moment, we need someone with a record of getting the job done. That person, without a doubt, is Nancy Pelosi.

What probably gets busted the most is that she's the most powerful woman in the world. Misogyny is second nature to the radical right.

Re: Bad Situation/Bad Idea/Bad People
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2022, 09:16:34 am »
I mean who hasn’t done a little insider trading, amirite??

Re: Bad Situation/Bad Idea/Bad People
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2022, 09:27:44 am »
I mean who hasn’t done a little insider trading, amirite??

I have to agree.  We, as citizens (U.S) accept it.  But..alleged public servants accumulating a worth in the millions while in office...I'm not down with that. 

I have wondered what motivated Pelosi to tear up Trump's SOTU speech....(I would not doubt if it were a collection of pages repeating the same statement...."Go phuck yourself Pelosi").

Anyway, it is bad idea to be provoking anyone.  The U.S is in no position to do much from a platform of strength and Pelosi swishing her school-girl pony tail, dentures falling out of her mouth announcing she's going to Taiwan, simply compounds already existing tensions .   

Bad move by a bad (and corrupt, immoral and stupid) person.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2022, 09:40:20 am by FunBuster »