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  • Bakeacake
  • Expert Waygook

    • 545

    • July 12, 2010, 01:35:40 pm
    • Pohang South Korea
Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« on: August 23, 2022, 02:02:02 pm »
Mods are constantly deleting any post critical of jobs with bad conditions and low pay. In fairness, some of mine have been harsh. Others that were entirely positive were also deleted.

Maybe the mod who keeps deleting criticism of some of the job posting can shed some light as to why?

Are the "recruiters" who are posting those jobs paying Waygook to be able to advertise their business?

This site is meant to be a resource to help teachers. Those job posting are offering dismal contracts for a paupers pay. Any unsuspecting new teacher might fall victim to one of those posts and be sent to a horrible job that will sour their view of the country as a whole. So,mods, 1. why arent you allowing posts that are critical of these horrendous jobs to remain. and 2. Why are you allowing these disgusting recruiters to take advantage of teachers by posting horrible jobs, some with illegal conditions, and almost all with substandard pay.

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2022, 02:19:06 pm »
Perhaps keep it as a general topic in discussion without specifically quoting active ads or only quoting ads from other sites.

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2022, 02:21:01 pm »
Moderator transparency on this site? Remember when the two cat having LVL1 deleted the thread named 'Moderator Transparency'? (lol)
Or when the blue eyed, glorious white haired, super tall, definitely no daddy issues LVL1 removed the poll asking users whether he should step down as moderator or not (100% of responses were that he should step down).

I would love to know why they keep defending SquatJ and his rotten ilk. Some naive uni grads will come on here and see these horrendous offers with no critique or comments allowed and think it's fair. These recruiters can't even format correctly. Talk about poor oversight and quality control.

  • Bakeacake
  • Expert Waygook

    • 545

    • July 12, 2010, 01:35:40 pm
    • Pohang South Korea
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2022, 03:05:14 pm »
Perhaps keep it as a general topic in discussion without specifically quoting active ads or only quoting ads from other sites.

I dont get what this might mean..  keep what as a general topic?  if you have come here looking for a job, and read the job ads,  youre unlikely to search around the discussion forum for a separate post pertaining to the quality of a job in a different post.  its much easier and much more helpful to the TEACHER who is in danger of accepting one of those jobs to be informed about it directly, within the same post. Would you agree?

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2022, 03:57:10 pm »
I dont get what this might mean..  keep what as a general topic?  if you have come here looking for a job, and read the job ads,  youre unlikely to search around the discussion forum for a separate post pertaining to the quality of a job in a different post.  its much easier and much more helpful to the TEACHER who is in danger of accepting one of those jobs to be informed about it directly, within the same post. Would you agree?
I mean start a thread in one of the relevant forums called "What's In a Bad Job Offer?" or something like that rather than commenting on a specific job posting or linking to it (on here at least). The operators of this site surely think it is a bad idea to turn every job posting into a bunch of insults and it not being conducive to business and that's pretty reasonable.

With the margins I imagine this site operates on, I can't imagine it would be sound business practice to turn the paid job postings into a conflagration of flaming.

  • Bakeacake
  • Expert Waygook

    • 545

    • July 12, 2010, 01:35:40 pm
    • Pohang South Korea
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2022, 04:11:44 pm »
I mean start a thread in one of the relevant forums called "What's In a Bad Job Offer?" or something like that rather than commenting on a specific job posting or linking to it (on here at least). The operators of this site surely think it is a bad idea to turn every job posting into a bunch of insults and it not being conducive to business and that's pretty reasonable.

With the margins I imagine this site operates on, I can't imagine it would be sound business practice to turn the paid job postings into a conflagration of flaming.

thats my question, that i still havent gotten a response for.
are the recruiters paying to advertise their jobs, and is that the reason behind deleting (censoring) any criticism of them?
and again, do you not agree that it would be easier for a teacher looking for a job to just read the comments on a job post about what jobs might be in their best interest...  or would it be easier for the teacher to go and find another forum discussing bad job posts?

one way is easier. 

  • Bakeacake
  • Expert Waygook

    • 545

    • July 12, 2010, 01:35:40 pm
    • Pohang South Korea
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2022, 05:10:42 pm »
if paying to post your jobs allows you the ability to be free from criticism, then just say that.
in the exact same way that paying for a site subscription (handgoo77) will never get you banned no matter how many physical threat, or homophobic slurs... or whatever else he got muted for.

this used to be a site to share files. teachers helping teachers.
now its a product, to be bought and sold.

  • Mr C
  • The Legend

    • 3792

    • October 17, 2012, 03:00:40 pm
    • Seoul
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2022, 07:06:51 pm »
I have scoured the TOS and the FAQ, and there is nothing about special treatment of recruiters' posts (just, no "libel, slander and attacks", like it is for everyone, at least in theory), nor any means by which recruiters pay to post.  There's the banner ads link, but I haven't seen one of those put up in yonks.  The banner ads are all provided by Criteo, which is similar to GoogleAds, and earns money by click-throughs.  Do those ads disappear if you pay the subscription?

And if they did charge for recruiters, it's the worst marketing/business plan ever, since there are basically two or three--mainly Scooter.  Can you really imagine he can afford to pay a fee, based on the terrible jobs he reps?

I also can't find anything about immunity from bans if you pay a subscription, but maybe that's listed in the "benefits" if you pay up.  I'll never know.

Y'know, I sympathize with Arsalan, having paid out of pocket for the operation of the site for years, but trying to monetize it the way he did was just a bad move, made way worse by the way they responded to people.  There were loads of other possible ways to squeeze some money here, but he just went boom! and put up a wall. 

  • VanIslander
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Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2022, 07:07:09 pm »
ESLCafe had instant bans for criticisms of paid ads.

Dave Sperling didn't let anyone crap on his paycheque on his own site.
Life's to live! Live! Breathe. Relax. Enjoy. Animals teach us to focus on family, friends and avoid danger. Get what you need and get along with others. That said, some rock the boat, but they know capsizin' it means they're sunk. Some sink, let's swim! The sea's big, great, but has undercurrents.

  • Mr C
  • The Legend

    • 3792

    • October 17, 2012, 03:00:40 pm
    • Seoul
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2022, 07:12:58 pm »
ESLCafe had instant bans for criticisms of paid ads.

Dave Sperling didn't let anyone crap on his paycheque on his own site.

So is Scooter paying to put his lists of jobs up?  Does he pay monthly, by the job, by the post?

There appears to be no restriction on posting in the Jobs forum.

  • Bakeacake
  • Expert Waygook

    • 545

    • July 12, 2010, 01:35:40 pm
    • Pohang South Korea
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2022, 01:09:15 pm »
Are the recruiters posting in the jobs forum paying to put their posts up?
Does that make them immune from criticism?

note: the banner ads disappear if you use an adblock.  its very easy.  ads are the most annoying thing in the world. I do everything I can to see as few as possible.

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2022, 01:24:13 pm »
Because the posts took the vaccine against criticisms.
Beyond Inappropriate

  • Renma
  • Super Waygook

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    • September 01, 2014, 06:09:42 am
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2022, 01:53:54 pm »
My understanding is that you can pay for ad banners but these job postings are unpaid. I don't know why these mysterious higher up mods are taking issue with valid criticism towards shite jobs but allowed other crackpots to fling diarrhea all over the regular forums. Mods lvl 4 cucky wucky and lvl 3 dumbo havent been online for weeks so I doubt it's them (to coin a recently departed user's nicknames).

I am biased though, I was always highly entertained by bakeacake/mithras/wheninrome and others posts in that section.

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2022, 10:21:51 am »
The posts in the job threads were childish, not to mention a violation of Korea's extreme defamation and insult laws. I can't believe they were allowed to stay for so long.

Also, recruiters have absolutely no power over salaries and job conditions. Hagwon owners will just refuse to work with a recruiter who insists on being some kind of saviour of ESL and demands higher salaries for teachers.

  • Augustiner
  • Expert Waygook

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    • December 06, 2021, 01:18:06 pm
    • Anyang
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2022, 12:19:57 pm »
The posts in the job threads were childish, not to mention a violation of Korea's extreme defamation and insult laws. I can't believe they were allowed to stay for so long.

Oh, this sanctimonious kill joy again.  There's three whole threads with a poster trying to figure out how to keep his ARC when he leaves the country soon.  Kim DuHan is doing his best to spread shame and convince the OP it's a national security threat.  He could use your help.

The comments in the jobs board were humorous instead of just being straight up critical.  Lighten up. 
« Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 12:41:17 pm by Augustiner »

  • Mr C
  • The Legend

    • 3792

    • October 17, 2012, 03:00:40 pm
    • Seoul
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2022, 12:20:37 pm »
The posts in the job threads were childish, not to mention a violation of Korea's extreme defamation and insult laws. I can't believe they were allowed to stay for so long.

Also, recruiters have absolutely no power over salaries and job conditions. Hagwon owners will just refuse to work with a recruiter who insists on being some kind of saviour of ESL and demands higher salaries for teachers.

This website is not hosted in Korea, so they would have a tough time trying to sue.

You're right that recruiters can't force owners to change their job offers; however, they can refuse to present those jobs or represent such owners.  I may sound naive, but I can't help but think the psychic damage to a person of representing such bottom-of-the-barrel hakwons--well, I couldn't do it.

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2022, 12:23:03 pm »
The recruiters should be happy that there's activity on their threads. It keeps them at the top for longer.
Beyond Inappropriate

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2022, 12:26:00 pm »
The posts in the job threads were childish, not to mention a violation of Korea's extreme defamation and insult laws. I can't believe they were allowed to stay for so long.

Also, recruiters have absolutely no power over salaries and job conditions. Hagwon owners will just refuse to work with a recruiter who insists on being some kind of saviour of ESL and demands higher salaries for teachers.

Aw those poor recruiters fee fees. Why isn't anyone thinking of the heckin recruiters??? Oh wait, it's because they are the equivalent of slumlords for jobs and no one gives a flying fart. Especially the bottom feeders that resort to this site.

  • Bakeacake
  • Expert Waygook

    • 545

    • July 12, 2010, 01:35:40 pm
    • Pohang South Korea
Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2022, 01:36:23 pm »
The posts in the job threads were childish, not to mention a violation of Korea's extreme defamation and insult laws. I can't believe they were allowed to stay for so long.

Also, recruiters have absolutely no power over salaries and job conditions. Hagwon owners will just refuse to work with a recruiter who insists on being some kind of saviour of ESL and demands higher salaries for teachers.

haha,  "you're a towel" ~Towlie

exactly what another poster said, a recruiter can have some dignity and refuse to accept jobs from hagwons advertising dismal salaries. But that would mean missing out on their precious recruiter fee. Which is what the business of recruiting is all about. Quickly get any teacher into any job you can pressure them into. The quicker the better. Its a disgusting job that services the desperate. Being a recruiter is like operating a restaurant, you want to flip the tables as many times as possible during service.
If the recruiter treated the customer (teacher) with some respect, and worked on their behalf trying to negotiate a reasonable salary and living conditions fit for a human, then they might garner some respect and reputation.
As it goes now, they are greasy slumlords, trying their best to make their cut.

Please try your best not to advocate for their existence.

Re: Why are job posts immune from criticism.
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2022, 02:31:29 pm »
Do recruiters in Korea typically do the job full-time or is it more of a side-hustle?
Beyond Inappropriate