I thought you made more than me?....
Why would you think that? I've never mentioned it. I don't want to be the guy that talks about how much they make on an anonymous internet forum
You seem like a hot shot. You're always chiding me apparently for not making enough....
No, I'm not. I'm chiding you for being a broken record, being all talk and no action as well as your failure to understand that not everyone else is the same as you.
Broken record? When did I say I was leaving? I said if I made low pay, I'd be gone. I also said when inflation comes for mine, I will be gone. It is creeping up but not yet there. I have been pretty consistent. BTW I don't brag about making more than most ESLers. I simply make the point that it is why I haven't left yet when asked. I said if I made low to mid 2's I'd be gone. If you make this and stay, that's your choice. I'm not telling you to go. But many teachers are leaving and less are coming over lately. So, I'm definately not wrong.
Another thread successfully derailed, well done chaps.
Covid has blown through China. There's lots of jobs for those willing to take the plunge. I think hangook77 would have been better off coming over last Fall when Zero-Covid was still a serious deterrent to most people. The best time to start was four months ago. The second-best time is now.
Back on topic...I worry about the loosening of criteria for teaching EFL in Taiwan. Changes like this rarely lead to better financial and work outcomes for teachers.
Seems many I knew who did were mostly old and retired teachers because they couldn't get many people. It is still an esl position. Not sure why they required all that. I suppose if they did set up like EPIK they would get more teachers flooding in. But there is still lots of competition from other countries. Their hogwans pay lower and I didn't find it all that great at least on paper. But the public schools seemed to pay a bit better. But it seems private companies send you to the school and you work for them rather than the government plus there is no pension contribution for foreigners if you are over there for years. China also no pension but at least you can bank a lot of cash.
They will not lower the salaries, it is legislated, as are the work hours.
They might not lower the salaries, but just like Korea they could and would just let salaries stagnate over time, with worsening work conditions each year...because the pool of applicants willing to get underpaid in bordeline abusive work conditions would now be massive.